Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2016

Anyone on here get accepted into Engineering entering their sophomore year next year yet?

I am a freshman at another university. Does anyone know if we will have to send in our second semester grades if we get in??

@plzbeahokie You have to turn in your second semester (final grades) before entering in the fall.

I already got in, but I still check this because I just keep hoping some of y’all get in even though I don’t even know you, we’ve gone through this process together in a way hahaha. @Justspeed27 @hokiehopes @hopefullyhokie

hahaha @sherbertt … This Friday will be the deciding factor if I can partake in the transfer party happening next semester.

Excuse the username, just needed to get in here so I had other people to freak out with. Is everyone hearing back the 29th for sure… Because the admissions office keep telling me may 1st. But I might just die if I have to keep waiting…

Going crazy waiting to hear!! Really hope it’s actually Friday and not Sunday!

Tomorrow… Tomorrow… I better love you tomorrow… It’s onlyyyyy a dayyyyy awayyyyyy. The wait is almost over guys and hopefully it will pay off. If I don’t get in, I will have a crying party for everyone else that doesn’t get in. That way no matter what we all get to have a party. It will be byot (bring your own tissues).

I agree, I’ll join either party. Hopefully its the better of the two, the accepted one haha.

Absolutely nervous about tomorrow.

I’m nervous too… can’t sleep. Good luck to everyone!

Does anyone know if we get the letter and the online notification today?

I called, were just getting the online one today. Packets for accepted students are also being mailed today, so if you get in you’ll have the official packet next week!

Do we know what time they come out today? Or is it just throughout the day??

After 5 pm, but they usually post a little early right before they leave at 5.

Today can either be the best day of my life or one of the worst. Let’s see how this plays out haha

Longest day of my entire life.

About 2 and a half hours left of waiting. Best of luck to everyone, however, no matter the results use it to motivate you even more. I’m not a firm believer that everything happens for a reason; but I do believe that you can take what seems to be a negative experience and form something positive from it. An example that everyone knows about, Walt Disney. Got fired for lack of imagination and then he created Disney! Just keep your chin up and keep trucking toward your passions.

On another note, I better get in or else!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Only a few minutes. I think typically they go out around 4:30. The nerves just went full throttle.