visiting 2/10 - can a student or local alum help?

<p>Before I start - yes I know this is probably a crazy idea. </p>

<p>We live on the East Coast. My son was accepted to Colorado College EA. It is a top choice BUT he has never been anywhere in Colorado other than the Denver airport! My family of 4 has a 2 1/2 hour flight layover in Colordao Springs NEXT WEDNESDAY 2/10 and we are just crazy enough to try and make a whirlwind campus visit. We will probably send S1 out to the April Open house on his own but we would love to see the campus as a family and get a feel of things. </p>

<p>I have contacted the Admissions Office and they are unable to do anything during our available time. We are too late for the info session and will need to leave before the tour. Frankly, they thought we were crazy to try this too :-)</p>

<p>I am hoping there is some kind, generous, enthusiastic student or local alum who could offer some help - tips/pointers/directions/tour...whatever.</p>

<p>I’m sure Admissions can supply you with a map of the school and you can at least know what you are looking at when you walk around. Go into the library & student union as well as any other buildings that interest you. Perhaps you can grab a quick meal. It’s a lovely campus.</p>

<p>But a lot more important to let your son go to the April open house.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>You sound crazy enough to be Block Plan material :slight_smile: I think your son has a bright future writing travel guides like, Disneyland in 90 Minutes, *The Lunch Break Louvre * or The New York Minute Manhattan.</p>

<p>Seriously,you’ve considered the time it will take to go back through security? That you’ll be nervously watching the clock the whole time? Can’t you somehow turn this into an overnight stay?</p>

<p>Doesn’t sound crazy at all. COS is about 15 minutes from campus. Grab a cab and I’m betting you could have time for a decent walk around. Admissions will give you a guide for a self directed tour.</p>

<p>We were there on Monday. S4 was in the same position - accepted EA and leaning towards, subject to visit. The visit totally sold him, and it looks like he’s going to be there for the next 4 years. Nice campus, great programs, happy kids. Plus who can resist all that skiing!</p>

<p>Good luck, and hope your son likes it as much as mine did.</p>

<p>Thank you for the vote of confidence fourfather. That is exactly our plan - grab a quick cab and see how much we can cram into an hour!</p>

<p>Unfortunately there is no way we can make this family trip into an overnight. I had to work hard just to convince the frequent flier mile people to give me a long connection in COS :slight_smile: We are doing the last hoorah family winter break vacation -(yes we’re going skiing).</p>

<p>tk21769 - at least it can’t be said that we aren’t adventourous, or fast pased! Having grown up in NYC I assure you I could give you a grand tour of ALL the sights in just one weekend - assuming you’re an adventerous, walking sort and can do the Metropolitan Museum in less than 3 hours!</p>

<p>So far, I have
Admissions for a map
Student Union</p>

<p>For an “historic walking tour” (broken down into 2 alternate 45-minute loops):
[Colorado</a> College Historic Walking Tour](<a href=“]Colorado”></p>

<p>To focus less on historic buildings, you could try this:
(referencing [Colorado</a> College | Campus Map](<a href=“]Colorado”>

  1. Start at Cornerstone Arts. This is #80 on the map, on Cascade Ave, and should be easy for a cab driver to find. It’s one of the newest buildings on campus. Then …
  2. Shove Chapel. This is #12 on the map, and is one of the oldest (and most beautiful) buildings. Then meander north through the quads to …
  3. Tutt Science Center. This is another interesting new building, #15, home to Environmental Science. Then cross back to …
  4. Tutt Library. #10 on the map, slated for renovation/replacement but an important site nonetheless. Then cross over Cascade Ave. to …
  5. Bemis Hall. #37, a residence hall and another beautiful old building. Then finally to …
  6. Worner Center. This is #5, the student center, where you can go downstairs to buy a T Shirt or a decal for your car.</p>

<p>This covers highlights of the central campus in a big counter-clockwise circle back almost to where you started. If the weather is bad, you could just have your driver do the circle, then spend the rest of your time people-watching and shopping in Worner.</p>

<p>THANK YOU SO MUCH. This will be invaluable. I have the map but didn’t know which were the highlights to cover in limited time. Much appreciated!</p>

<p>Good luck with your visit. I think it’s a great idea. But you should know that Feb 10 is the last day of 5th block. So I’m not sure of your timing but a lot of kids will be leaving on block break. Also I highly recommend checking out one of the dorms. The kids are all so friendly I’m sure you’d be welcomed it even on your own. Hope it all goes smoothly!</p>

<p>lexdkr - thanks for the heads up - we had noticed that on the schedule. Just didn’t know whether that meant everything would be unnaturally dead with everyone leaving or lots of footloose students about.</p>

<p>according to my son most of the kids like to take advantage of the break and head out. Actually we are meeting him in Vail as are some other parents of his friends. Most classes are done around noon so it will probably take some time for them to organize themselves before they head out.</p>