Visiting next week ... suggestions?

My daughter was admitted for next year, and we are visiting next week. Any suggestions for must-see or must-do things to help her get the most accurate feel for the school?

I take it that you’ve signed up with the school for an official tour and information session. If not, it is a must. What is she thinking about majoring in? If nursing, business, or communications make sure to check out the specific campuses for those as well. I’m not sure where nursing is, but business and communications are downtown and the school has busses/vans that connect the two all day long.

Our regular tour did not include seeing a dorm room, if that is important to you (after many tours I kind of feel like the insides of rooms are all the same), ask, or at least ask to be shown into a dorm building to see the lounge areas, etc. If she is interested in Environmental Science that also wasn’t included on our tour but we stopped in and it was very impressive! They did say that your tour name badge should get you in any building you want to go check out, so feel free to explore. You can also ask to sit in on a class.

You could ask to meet with the department head to find out more about their program. This was very helpful for us as it was how we found out about upcoming changes to the curriculum.

My son met with a professor in the department he wants to study. Very helpful