Visiting Wisconsin, Ohio State from OOS

We live in Virginia and my daughter is planning to attend a High School Journalism Institute program this summer at Indiana Bloomington. We are considering the possibility of trying to visit a couple of schools while spending time in that part of the country but logistics and finances are limiting. None of the schools really measure demonstrated interest but it’s also such a great experience to be on a campus before you apply or to even know if you want to apply. We may be able to visit Ohio State or Wisconsin. It’s more challenging to visit Wisconsin but that’s probably the school she would rather visit. But I wonder if she has a better chance of getting admitted to Ohio State. Clemson and Penn State are schools she has really liked so far. SHe thought she would love Georgia but it was too hilly and felt too big. Looking for thoughts on comparing the two and which visit may be the most impactful… Does Madison have a college town feel even though it’s in a big city … ? We also want to visit Syracuse. I think if she applied to all of these schools she would choose Clemson because of their unique Graphic Communications program and warmer weather and proximity to extended family. But she wants to have options and apply to many schools.

The university helps define the town (plus state government). The UW campus has many hills and a lake. If you fly into Indianapolis you could take I 65 to Chicago then I 90 to Madison. Great place to visit in the summer- the Memorial Union Terrace on Lake Mendota is fun for all.

Backtrack to Indy and you can go east to Columbus and Ohio State.

Syracuse is definitely on a large hill, btw.

Finances count hugely. Be aware that UW is likely to be stingy with merit aid as well.

If you flew into Chicago you would have the boring drive to Bloomington- Indiana is mainly flat until there. Chicago is a great city to visit- the Lake Michigan shore line and many excellent museums.

My advice is to run the Net Price Calculator for each of these schools.

VA has awfully good state schools.

yes we know… we love our VA schools but the school atmosphere she seeks is either UVA in her hometown and extremely difficult to get into and VA Tech and she could never be a fan. She will definitely apply to UVA and JMU.

We recently visited both U of Wisconsin and OSU. Ohio is cheaper, and easier to get into. Both schools have beautiful campuses, interesting college towns, and happy students. We loved both.

BOth schools are amazing. I’ve toured both. Ohio State is a very huge campus.