
<p>OK, so my mom and I are planning on taking a trip to New England for the first week of April, over Spring Break. I am it still snowing in early April, or is it mud season? (We live in CA, so I have a slim idea of what to expect.)</p>

<p>It can be totally up to luck. I’d say during the first week of April though that it could very well snow, or you could have some wonderful, slushy “wintery mix” as the forecasters like to call it. It tends to start getting warm in mid to late April, but it shouldn’t be freezing cold in early April.</p>

<p>I hate to say this, but it really depends WHERE in New England we’re talking. I live in MA, and Aprils tend to be cold and wet, but there’s very little chance of snow usually. Rain/cool, raw weather is what you’ll probably have to deal with in MA, CT, and RI. Pack lots of layers, including a raincoat and/or a winter coat. </p>

<p>I can’t speak for VT, ME, or NH, other than that they’re colder.</p>


<p>Yeah, okay…not my brightest move. I just figured that OP from CA was just coming generally to NE for a whole string of visits, not just to Middlebury, since there are so many schools in the New England area. Sorry if that assumption offended you or anything, I’ll keep my mouth shut next time. </p>

<p>OP, if I’ve wasted your time by talking about the wrong corner of New England, I apologize. Wherever you go, I hope you have a productive visit.</p>

<p>Early April is usually around the middle of mud season. There might be the occasional flurry around here, but nothing to get excited about :D</p>

<p>It’s also not too cold around that time of year (at least in my subjective view).</p>

<p>Thanks so much for all of the replies!
Middlebury is the college that I am most anxious to look at, therefore, I posted this thread on the Middlebury forum, however, as Lamariposa suggested, we will definitely be looking at colleges in different areas of New England. (CT, MA, NH, ME, RI, and possibly NY) Your information was very helpful and I will take all of it into consideration. Thanks again.</p>

<p>“…I am wondering…is it still snowing in early April, or is it mud season?”</p>

<p>As a lifelong New Englander and Midd grad, I can definitively say the answer is “yes.”</p>