Volleyball or Tennis? You decide! help me, and i'll give you a shrute buck!

<p>so i'm a junior, and did jv tennis 9 and 10. this year i would make varsity, but be a becnhwarmer for tennis. so i was thinking about maybe trying out volleyball even though i've never played it.</p>

<h2>why tennis</h2>

<p>-pretty positive make varsity
-safe route
-know team / coach
-know its fun and enjoy it
-never really played volleyball before, i dont know how to hold my hands even. is it a hard sport to pick up? haha
-chance i dont make vball team
-most likely make jv vball
-dont know vball coach and team
-who knows what will happen if i do vball
-i might suck at vball
-probably look beter on college aps, but i don't really care about that, just for the experieince.
-for sure get a varsity letter basically
-have devoted lots of time to it.
-sr year i can probably be a solid player and a starter for tennis.</p>


<p>-trying something new
-possibility of making varsity, but probably be a starter and get lots of experience on jv
-im tall, and our team is short
-lots graduated this year leaving open spots, and a lot more graduating next year
-figure best and maybe one of the rare chances now in my life where i can try a new sport
-harder workouts but fun
-sounds kind of exciting trying something new, and even though i've only played it a couple times, it sounds like they'll teach me.
-you don't need a team for tennis, especially if i was going to be a benchwarmer
-i would be a super benchwarmer for tennis, barely anyone graduating from last year on tennis team
-theres not much of a workout for tennis.
-even with a lot of lessons, i don't seem to be quite the natural at tennis, but am still pretty good.
-sounds like almost 100% chance i make jv v-ball and get lots of experience, and maybe even varsity cus im really tall and team lack tall players
-sr yr i have a chance of being really good at vball if i like it and praactice, cus almost all varsity vball team is graduating
-right not gets me more excited than tennis, and sounds like a lotta fun</p>

<p>haha, so what should i do? any advice? i'll make my own decision, but would like any input cus i have no clue what i should do.</p>

<p>Before my junior year (last summer), i was seriously debating between trying something new (cross country), or sticking with something I’d been doing for a while (volleyball). The XC couch was trying to recruit me because I’d fallen in love with track last spring, and I was probably destined to be a benchwarmer on the volleyball team because our team is really good (like you on tennis presumably?). So, I ended up choosing varsity volleyball and was REALLY glad I did because the team was so bonded, we had a lot of fun during our (HARD!) practices, and there was a ton of outside of school events like team dinners, bonding during tournaments, etc.</p>

<p>BUt a fair warning: I go to a private school with D5 (a.k.a. not really competitive AT ALL… the smallest schools in the State compete in D5) sports, and my volleyball commitment was about 20 - 25 hours a week on average (tournaments are usually 8 - 10 hours on Saturdays). Which would mean that probably a varsity team in a higher division (for instance if you go to a big public school) would probably dedicate even MORE time than that to weightlifting, training, weekend practices, and out-of-state tourneys. I mean, I’m just totally guessing, I know all schools have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to sports, but I’d imagine that varsity volleyball (if you were to make the team) would be a HUGE commitment and maybe not something you’d be ready for just jumping in.</p>

<p>So, that being said, if you want to go out and try something new, I would do JV volleyball. I’m sure if you were to try it and like it (and were really good at it), you could be bumped up to varsity mid-season, or do club volleyball on the off-season and be really good on the varsity team come senior year. Or, on the flip-side, if volleyball wasn’t as fun as you imagined it to be, you could probably drop out, talk to your tennis coach about your situation, and rejoin the tennis team.
Overall it’s obviously up to you, but if I’m all for trying new things! Good luck!</p>

<p>do two sports… since ur going to be a benchwarmer for tennis than go for volleyball but don’t quit tennis. i have a couple of friends that play volleyball…im sure you’ll like it</p>

<p>oh cool. thanks for the tips. well our tennis team is kind of a joke in some ways. my friends in other sports were making fun of me because our workout if running like 2 laps. </p>

<p>volleyball sounds competitive, but not super competitive. i am taking an easy courseload and have lots of time to do sports anyways, i need to find a passion, and volleyball sounds like it may be it. it sounds like the workouts arn’t that hard, and actually fun, but still pretty hard in the same way. </p>

<p>alright, i think i’ll atleast try v-ball out. i can’t do two sports because their both in the same season and both require afterschool practice / games. my guess is that i would still do vball and keep up the tennis too cus i still love to play. and if i like vball join a club team cus i dont play a winter or fall sport.</p>

<p>is volleyball a hard sport to pick up? being tall i guess i would be in the front and just have to jump high to block, and be able to spike. but i also should be good at setting and bumping too. i’ve barely played, how hard would it be for me to learn the game? would it be long to pick up volleyball or is it easy to pickup?</p>

<p>It takes some natural talent, but it isn’t hard to pick up.</p>

<p>Like, serving is a pretty straightforward process. All you have to do is get it over the net. But some people, no matter how hard they try, can’t serve straight. </p>

<p>But the finer points of setting and spiking take a bit of practice to get used to.</p>

<p>well, i need that shrute buck, so…</p>

<p>I’d say do both, since volleyball is a fall sport and tennis is spring.</p>

<p>alrgiht, your shrute buck is coming in the mail</p>

<p>volleybal and tennis are both spring sports at my school</p>

<p>Are you Asian? If so, do volleyball. All Asians play tennis! JKJK :slight_smile: Seriously though, do whatever one you enjoy. If you enjoy a sport, you’re going to practice harder and do better.</p>

<p>Tennis is the best sport, and I am not saying that because I play. Anyway, I love volleyball too (being 6’2" helps), but tennis is always the most fun.</p>

<p>haha, no i’m white.</p>

<p>i’m 6-3 with shoes on</p>

<p>well i’ve only played vball like 6 times in my whole life just messing around with friends, and i like it, so im not sure how much i really like the sport because i’ve barely evver played it haha, but when i did i loved it. but i decided might as well give it a shot. im gonna do vball. try something new, get a new experience and have some fun, and get in better shape working out, which we dont do in tennis. if i dont make the team, or fail, i’ll always go back to tennis and theres always next year. im excited.</p>

<p>Volleyball is a blast! I’m a guy but it’s a fun sport. Volleyball has more of a team community fell from what I’ve seen so it looks like the girls have more fun together and hangout more often. Spiking a ball is the most powerful felling, it’s addicting, give it a try. I was no help at all…</p>

<p>Ha, it’s funny that your school doesn’t work out for tennis. Last year we had to do 7 mile runs in rain…</p>

<p>Tennis IS the sport for asians at our school.</p>

<p>Glad you chose volleyball.</p>