Volunteer Hours???

<p>lol add about 400hrs for missionary work, soup kitchen volunteering, library book shelving, etc :)</p>

<p>well i really wanna be a doctor, so the 6hrs at Princeton Med Ctr doesn't bother me too much.</p>

<p>i get to look at Xrays and sort them out lol. some of them are really kool and weird</p>

<p>700 is actually on the low side if you ask me... I thought that some Ivy hopefuls were at least shooting for 1000+ hours, or maybe that's just my county and pk12313. </p>

<p>Oh man, pk12313, you're so getting in. 1600+ hours is insane.</p>

<p>lol does volunteering even count for much? i really like wat i do.
but theres no section to list total no. of hours. i guess the hrs/week, weeks/yr thing</p>

<p>Do you guys do volunteer work out of fun? or do you do it for the hours so it'll look nice on the application?</p>

<p>i, 4 1, did not even know colleges would see my hrs. when i first started volunteering. u shouldn't do things just for college apps, do things u enjoy :)</p>

<p>The colleges really don't even see "volunteering hours: xxx" for me, I just listed the amount I spent per week volunteering and tutoring. I definitely did not do it for college recognition.. I woulda been better off studying for SATs probably lol.</p>