Volunteer Work in the Summer - opinions please!

<p>Hello all,
I'm planning on attending graduate school (or law school... depending on the decision I have to make sometime in the following months)... and I need an opinion
My GPA was poor my first 2 years, but great my third year and 4th (currently in 4th)... anyway, the upward trend will help me somewhat, but I really need volunteer/extra curricular activities to add to my resume</p>

<p>This summer I'm deciding between 2 different options</p>

<p>Option 1: Work on a fundraising project I've organized and give the money towards a non profit organization (have everything planned, just have exicuted it yet because of the other option) </p>

<p>Option 2: Accept a job I've been offered to work in the UK, its 3 months, so my entire summer... same time I'd be doing the funraiser so unfortunatly cannot do both. The job isn't specific to what I want to do</p>

<p>Anyways, I was just wondering what you guys thought about this... what would look better on a grad school application/law school app</p>

<p>Option 1 . You should follow through with your plans so you can have something to brag about later on. It doesn’t make sense to take Option 2 if the work in the UK isn’t something that you’re interested in.</p>

<p>Most graduate schools will not care one bit about extracurricular activities, unless they are quite specific to your intended subfield of study.</p>

<p>I have no idea about what law schools value. </p>

<p>I say take the job in the UK, and get some experience abroad. If you are serious about graduate school (as opposed to law school), then consider continuing studies in one of your languages while you are there.</p>

<p>I would blow off the job in the UK. You are going to have a whole career to gain international experience and work. Do you think you will ever have an opportunity to do this fundraising project again?</p>

<p>Well Law School is my dream… But my back up plan is graduate school for industrial organizational psychology (all depends on my grades, haven’t completely made up my mind which to seriously persue)
Nice to know that grad school doesn’t really look at extracurricular, but Law school definatly does, especially if your on a borderline with your grades</p>

<p>The UK does seem like a great experience, but I have done work abroad (well, In my point of view, I’m west coast Canadian and last summer did a abroad program to Chicago), but this fundraiser is a great great experience as well even though it will be tons of physical exertion… anyway, I’m just going crazy over it cause I need to figure it all out before the new year, eek!</p>