VOTE: What Major/Career Are You Interest In?

This February will be a dedicated Career Planning Month on College Confidential. In preparation, we want to hear from you. Take the poll below and let us know what majors/careers are of interest to you.

What major/career path interests you and would like to find out more about? (pick as many as applicable)
  • Architecture
  • Business
  • Dance
  • Dentistry
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Foreign Language & Culture
  • Humanities
  • Journalism
  • Math/Computer Science
  • Medicine
  • Music
  • Musical Theater
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Science
  • Theater/Drama
  • Veterinary
  • Visual Arts and Film
  • Other (comment below)

0 voters

Are you a professional willing to share your journey and offer career guidance to our community?

Are you a current student interested in sharing your experience majoring in your field and/or helping other students pick the best major for them?

Send me a private message and let me know! We are looking to host a series of forum AMAs with verified hosts in February aimed at helping students pick a major and plan their careers.


Criminal Justice


Geology, other than petroleum geology.


Forensic Science

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PolySci, Planning



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IT Field

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My son is into Medicine and International Relation/Diplomacy.

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Veterinary! :slight_smile:

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Health and safe training provider

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