VT Hopefuls (High School Classes of 2017 and Beyond)

Hi, everyone! I decided I wanted to create a little community on here, for anyone, like myself, looking through the Virginia Tech school forum whose dream is to attend Virginia Tech. I wanted to start and, I guess, initiate the thread by introducing myself using a little info about me.

Age: 16 (as of May 10th)
Class: 2018
Home State: Virginia (Specifically NOVA, aka Northern Virginia)
Interests (College Major-wise and Minor-wise): Mechanical Engineering (Specifically Robotics), Computer Science, Programming, Philosophy, Psychology
Ethnicity: African-American (Ghanaian-American) (1st Generation)

I had also wanted to list my other dream colleges that I may make other threads for:

List of My Dream Colleges (From Top to Bottom):

  1. Virginia Tech (VT)
  2. University of Virginia (UVA)
  3. George Mason University (GMU)
  4. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
  5. James Madison University (JMU)

So now that I’ve kind of introduced myself, I guess I might as well start this thread. This is a community for HOKIE HOPEFULS so feel free to put anything you guys want pertaining to the university. Hope this turns out well! :slight_smile:

I’ll start the first post I guess! I’ll describe a little more about myself (school-wise). Feel free to do the same!

My Test Scores:
SAT I (Breakdown Critical Reading-Math): N/A
PSAT 2015: 990/1520

Rank: N/A
AP/IB Classes Taken: None

Projected Junior Year Schedule

Engineering Explorations I/Robotics
PLTW (Project Lead The Way) Principles of Engineering (Weighted)
AP Chemistry (Weighted)
U.S. and Virginia History
Functions/Trigonometry (Weighted)
Spanish II

AP English Language and Composition (Weighted)

Projected Senior Year Schedule

PLTW (Project Lead The Way) Engineering Design and Development OR Engineering Analysis and
AP Psychology
Physics or AP Physics I
U.S. and Virginia Government
AP Calculus AB
AP Economics

English 12 or AP English Literature and Composition

Extracurricular Activities (ECs)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Robotics Club

Outdoor Track

Planned ECs for Next Year

Biotechnology Club
Book Club
Environmental Science Club
Forensics Club
Key Club
Robotics Team

TARC (Rocketry) Club

Job/Work Experience: None

Volunteer Experience: 4 Years (Summers) Volunteering at the Library

Summer Activities

  • Taking Health and PE 2 over the summer in summer school (June 27th - August 06th)
  • Volunteering at my local library at least once a week
  • Going on college tours to my three top colleges: Virginia Tech, hopefully between June 20th and 24th, UVA, and GMU
  • Try and find time to study for the SAT/ACT
  • Do my summer assignments for AP English Language and Composition (which will likely involve reading a book) and AP Chemistry
  • Try and teach myself the basics of Java (as much as I can do on my own time)
  • Personal Challenge: READ AT LEAST THREE NOVELS BY THE END OF THE SUMMER! (I'm a pretty avid reader during the summer, so this shouldn't be a problem.)
  • Go to King's Dominion with my family (likely on my brother's birthday in July)

- Get my driver's license before school starts (with the help of the Health and PE 2 class for the permit test!)

Hooks (That I Could Think Of)

URM (Under-Represented Minority)

It literally took a while took write this draft. Sorry!

All I know about VT is that at least 3-4 seniors from my school go there every year…

Really, what kind of school do you go to? At my school, about at least 40 people go to VT each year. Our school has about 2000 students.

@greenlegobrick Really, what kind of school do you go to? At my school, about at least 40 people go to VT each year. Our school has about 2000 students.

My report card just came in the mail grades were actually better than I had expected

MY GPA IS NOT A 3.71 BUT A 3.77!

I’m literally crying right now! I got 5 As, 1 B+, and 1 B. I thought it was going to be 5 As and 2 Bs. The class I got a B+ in was World History, the class I expected a B in.

LOL I had similar stats (5 A, 2 B+), but I got a 4.3 that year . 3.96 overall

@nubielias Cool! What’s your school’s GPA scale?

on a 5.0 scale. Did you take advanced classes?

Yes @nubielias . I took three honors/advanced classes last year. In fact, my schedule last year was:

Computer Math
Pre-AP English 10
Pre-AP World History 1
Spanish 1
Pre-AP Chemistry
Algebra 2
Health and PE 1

All of the classes marked “Pre-AP” are honors classes, however, we do not receive any extra weight for them. So all of my classes were regular weight (out of 4.0) last year. This year I’m expecting a Weighted GPA between 4.29 and 4.43.