Rejected from virginia tech 2018

Hi! So I’ve been looking around at other threads and have seen that the majority of people were waitlisted, with very few rejections. I am of course very upset but I am still attached to this school. If anyone else is in a similar position would you mind sharing your plans or any advice? Thank you!

My Stats (if anyone is interested)

GPA: 3.61W , 3.47UW? (school doesn’t provide unweighted so I calculated myself)
SAT: 1210
Classes taken: all regular freshman year, one honors sophomore year, two APs and one Honors junior year, two APs and one DE senior year
APs with scores: APUSH 11th (3) APES 11th (4) AP LANG 11th (3, did not take class due to complications) AP GOVERNMENT 12th, AP LIT 12th
Race: Black and White
Intended Major: Animal and Poultry Science
Hooks (first gen, legacy, in state, etc): In State
Wrote all three essays (I thought they were good but I guess not)
Lots of Extracurriculars and Volunteer hours including running a small nonprofit
From NOVA (which is probably what killed me)
Also had a very strong upward trend from freshman to junior year GPA wise (3.14 to 4.01)
Best of luck to everyone!

Oh I have been accepted into four other schools (five if including nvcc) : CNU, GMU, ODU (Honors with scholarships), and VCU

Stay on wait list and see what happens. In the meantime, look at your other options and pick one to accept. If by chance VT comes through, you can simply rescind the previous acceptance (many will give you the deposit back) and accept VT’s offer. Reality is that if VT pulls from wait list it will not be until well after you need to “commit” to somewhere else. BTW, you have all the same acceptances my son had three years ago when he was wait listed from VT after being deferred ED. He was subsequently accepted, but decided not to attend. He would have been a 4th generation Hokie. His brother attended VT and graduated in ME and decided he wanted to do his own thing. Good Luck.

@bboop42 I didn’t get waitlisted, I got straight up rejected :frowning:

@daylightskies, I misread, sorry. You have great options to choose from. If you are set on VT, got to CC and get the 2 year associates degree and guaranteed admissions (depending on meeting requirements) as others have suggested on the transfer thread. Or, choose one of the above and attempt to transfer after one year. Who knows, you may love it where you are. Only you can decide what is best for you, but it is good to have options. Best of Luck.

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Thank you!!! @bboop42

@daylightskies - Do any of those other schools have an animal & poultry science major?

Can anyone offer any insight? My son got waitlisted at VT for Fall 2018. We are totally confused, as we thought he stood a pretty good chance. His stats are:
GPA: 4.3
9 AP classes, most with a score of 4; one 3, two 5’s
We are in Northern Virginia
He is an Eagle Scout, on two different sports teams, two different academic teams, held offices on all teams
SAT 1420, ACT 34
desired major in college: chemistry
He applied regular decision; did all essays; top notch recommendations;

We felt he stood a good chance. He has already been admitted to UVA, JMU, Radford, Randolph, Roanoke, and many others, including out of state small and/or religious colleges, many of whom offered partial scholarships. However, Tech was his first choice, academically speaking, so he is now quite confused. He’s not sure what his chances are of being moved from the waitlist to being accepted. Is being “in-state” being held against him? What about race/gender (he’s white/male)? Was it his choice of major (Chemistry?). He just doesn’t know if he should wait or go ahead and accept somewhere else. If he was waitlisted due to factors that he can’t change (race/gender) then it’s pointless to wait. If it’s because of factors he doesn’t want to change (choice of major), then at least he knows. Does anyone know what his chances are at this point? Maybe someone who has been through this before? Thanks.

@26622662 Unfortunately, nobody has any insight in to college admissions. Only guess I can make is that VT figured safety school given he did not apply ED. Again, just a guess, but it appears he has fabulous options. As to the wait list, it is a total guess game on how many will accept, will they pull from wait list and if so when. Regardless, historically they do not start pulling from the wait list if able until after most school’s deadline of May 1st. So, he will probably need to select another school and then if he gets off the wait list, decide if he wants to attend and rescind the other offer. Many schools do refund the deposit in this situation, but not all. This was the situation with my second son. I am sorry he did not get the answer he wanted from VT.

Forgot to add: he is not a legacy. Perhaps this was it? (Not that he can change that, but at least he would know).

well, Virginia Tech is mostly white men so I doubt that was it.

I’m pretty sure counting stuff like race and location against people is illegal.

@26622662 I’m shocked he didn’t make it in, especially after getting into UVA. I guess that just shows how unpredictable the admissions process was this year. Good luck!

@vthopeful12355 I don’t think they count race and location AGAINST people but rather use it as a bonus for others, which I guess can work against those people.

Trust me, race wasn’t a factor since Tech is at least 70+% white. He clearly is a top candidate but this year things have changed. Good luck to your son, he seems like he’s an amazing kid.

Don’t feel too bad about not being admitted to Virginia Tech. This year was extremely competitive, so they most likely upped their standards academic wise. The school received over 32,000 applications this year, but only have spots for about 6,200 new students.

My son moved on. He loved the school and it was a good fit in terms of major, but it was one of our most expensive options and it was furthest from home.

Tech extending their deadline by 45 days at the last minute now seems calculated to maximize total applications submitted.

I must admit, I wasn’t particularly impressed with the manner in which they handled this year’s process. As my son put it, “Some idiot who couldn’t manage his time effectively and get his application in on time probably took my spot.”

Everything happens for a reason. Life isn’t fair. Being upset about not getting into a school is the definition of a “first world problem.”

Go forth and prosper…


“Some idiot who couldn’t manage his time effectively and get his application in on time probably took my spot.”

Do you know for a fact that they accepted applications after the deadline? This is a pretty slanderous statement.

Does anyone know whether admissions offices can see how many different schools someone applied to? It would not surprise me if with the Common and Coalition applications the schools get that information as well. If so, applying to a lot of schools may raise a flag to how interested the applicant really is to their school and how focused he/she is. I know that some schools still have their own applications, so whatever data schools may get from those app services would not be comprehensive…

I think that with kids applying to 10, 15, 20 different schools, it has created a difficult situation for admissions offices. After all, each kid can only go to 1 school. So, the yield rate across the county can only be 20% if the average kid gets accepted to 5 schools.

Admissions can not see how many schools you apply to. That being said, I think they sometimes can feel if they think they are being used as a safety. Maybe you wrote 3 great essays but avoided the one that asked “Why Virginia Tech?”. Maybe they saw that your essays, although great, were generic and never mentioned Virginia Tech. Maybe someone with slightly lower stats, wrote about how they experienced the pride of the students when jumping to “Enter the Sandman” and lives the true meaning of “Ut Prosim”. Also they only accept GC letters of rec. Maybe something in there clued them that Virginia Tech wasn’t the right fit for them.

We want it to be more than just about the stats but then we want to understand when a student who has good stats isn’t accepted. It’s like a job interview, more than one candidate could do the job very well but sometimes you are looking for someone who just might fit in better or sometimes you have more perfect candidates than you have jobs to offer and it is heartbreaking but it is the reality of the situation.