VT to MIT?

<p>I would like to know if it is possible to get into MIT's graduate program from Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>Does anyone know of any examples?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I don’t think anyone has gone to MIT graduate school directly out of Va Tech in the last 5 years.</p>

<p>MIT Lincoln Laboratory seems to have a booth at Engineering Expo but that does not seem to be what you’re looking for. Not sure if you are in high school or college already so harder to advise.If you are just starting out, you may want to just let things unfold at Virginia Tech if that is where you are/end up at. If your goal is MIT , you may want to let your department know that. You may change your mind. All things are possible and Virginia Tech is well regarded in engineering. Individual departments seem to know about graduate opportunities. The dean of son’s department sent him some info about a fully funded PhD at Michigan (he was an undergraduate TA). I’m sure he was not the only student the Dean sent this info to. Son not interested as he is graduating and wants to go straight to work. However,if a student knows they definitely want to go to graduate school, my guess is Virginia Tech would help a good student meet that goal.</p>

<p>My roommate got into the master’s program (mechanical engineering) at MIT straight out of VT bachelors. He only ever got one A- (the rest As) in undergrad. Also, he had some research under his belt and pretty much killed the GREs. If the question you are asking has to do with VT as a respected school, I’d say its high enough caliber to get into MIT as long as you have the credentials. It just seems like the caliber of students in VT engineering isn’t that great overall. We absolutely have some very bright people, but as a whole not the greatest. Long story short, my roommate stayed here for grad school…I think he figured MIT would be way to stressful.</p>

<p>Thank you, you answered my question perfectly. All I needed to know was if Virginia Tech would hinder my future opportunities. I see that, as long as I do well, it will not. Thank you again and thank you to every one else who posted a comment.</p>

<p>My daughter has been in contact with two different women VT COE alum who are either currently at MIT or recently graduated.</p>

<p>Thanks for the extra example.</p>

<p>I relied upon the VT graduate survey results for my response “none in the last five years”. Sorry.</p>

<p>According to the 2009 - 2010 survey, a civil engineering graduate did make it into MIT’s masters program. </p>

<p>Source: [Virginia</a> Tech Post Graduation Report: Graduate and Professional School Attendance](<a href=“http://www.career.vt.edu/PostGraduationReport/GradSchoolAttendanceList.asp?College=00&Major=ALL&Cohort=2009-2010&SortBy=M]Virginia”>http://www.career.vt.edu/PostGraduationReport/GradSchoolAttendanceList.asp?College=00&Major=ALL&Cohort=2009-2010&SortBy=M)</p>

<p>Well, double my bad then.</p>