Wait-listed at ALL UC schools

My child who has W 4.4 and ACT 34,and reasonably good essays got wait-listed at all UC schools UCI,UCSD UCLA UCSB except UCSC
Im kind of bummed for him ,as his friends with worse grades got into UCSD UCLA etc…
Have no idea what went wrong??it feels weird. Any ideas?

What were your child’s extracurriculiars like? What about class rank? As other posters have noted before, the stats are important, but can be just 50% of the decision criteria at some schools. Are there issues that you think your child has grounds to appeal on?

Please calculate your child’s UC GPA https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/ Go here first https://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/agcourselist to determine if there are any honors courses at your high school that are UC a-g approved but are not weighted by the UCs.

What major was your child applying into? What majors were his friends applying into?

This happens, especially if your son applied as an engineering, computer science, biology major vs. the classmates with lower stats and EC’s who applied as communications, sociology, history, other non impacted majors. I did not see UCB or UCD on your list. For impacted majors, most of these schools are reach or becoming reach schools. Many high school seniors apply to safety schools. UCR is one for your son with the high stats.

there’s some subjectivity to UC admissions ad ECs and personal statements play a significant role. I’d guess something in you son’s personal statement didn’t sit right with the readers or his ECs were light.

Fortunately he has UCSC as an option. I’d encourage you and your son to focus on the doors that are open to you and make the most of the opportunity at hand.

Congrats and good luck,.

so interesting reply
He has tons of EC and volunteering projects,he did apply Bio (probably a mistake).
but essays are really good. UB still pending.