<p>Im an incoming freshman at Tulane and I had to wait list two courses. Im currently 12/12 for one the I desperately want to take (I e-mailed the professor and told them I had my heart set on this class) and 8/8 for the another. Is there any chance I might get into either of these classes? I saw a wait list that had nearly 40 people. 12 doesn't seem too bad by comparison, but then there were some with as few as 2 or 3 people. Im not sure what constitutes a large wait list for a course. Is it worth waiting for, or should I search out other classes and not bother with the closed ones at all?</p>
<p>Stay on the wait list but also develop a “Plan B” of alternate class(es)in case you don’t get in. Lots of add/drops happen within the first week or two of class. Even if you don’t get in before the semester starts attend the first few classes anyway, and let the professor know you’re there in case a slot opens up. </p>
<p>Give the professor a legitimate academic reason for taking that particular class. Maybe it is needed for your major; maybe it is a prerequisite for a class next semester that is only given in the spring. </p>
<p>If it’s because the course is at 10:00 and you don’t want to get up early to take the 8:00 AM session then that’s not a good reason.</p>