Wait until April to visit?

<p>I applied to 8 colleges, and as of now, have only visited 3 of them. Should I wait until April to visit the others? I need to plan in advance how many (and which) schools to visit, so that I can allow the right amount of time and secure transportation. Please evaluate my chances at the following colleges so that I don't waste time and money visiting the schools that will most likely reject me, or miss out on the experience of visiting the schools that will most likely accept me. </p>

<p>Basic Stats:</p>

<p>-3.93, 16/447
-1450 (740V, 710M)
-750,720,700 (Wr, Lit, M1)</p>


<p>-Colgate U : pending, have not visited
-Holy Cross : pending, have not visited
-St. John's College (MD) : pending, have not visited
-Union College (NY) : pending, have not visited
-Williams : deferred, have not visited
(Concordia-NY : accepted, visited)
(Washington & Lee : pending, visited)
(Wheaton College (IL) : deferred, visited)</p>

<p>I think you have a decent chance at all of your choices.</p>

<p>As far as visits go, in that you live in Maryland, St. John's is a day trip.</p>

<p>The other 4 that you haven't visited, Colgate (Hamilton, NY), Union (Schenectady, NY), Williams (Williamstown, MA) and Holy Cross (Worcester, MA) are all relatively close to one another.</p>

<p>I would think you could visit Colgate and Union in one (long) day, Williams the next day and Holy Cross the following day. Speaking from prior review trip experience, Colgate and Williams both have very nice campuses. We didn't look at Union or Holy Cross.</p>

<p>Good luck to you and have a good trip!</p>

<p>UMDAD: Thanks for the response. Do you think that it would be easier to fly up to some location and then rent a car to visit the four schools, or to drive up w/o flying?</p>

<p>Any other evaluations of my chances at Colgate, Holy Cross, Union, and Williams would be very much appreciated.</p>