Waitlist: confused

Hello. I recently got accepted for spring 2018 off the waitlist at UC berkeley. If I were to commit to this, I would have to do a semester at community college but I’d prefer not to do so. I haven’t visited UC berkeley and I only have 3 days to commit. I submitted my SIR to UC Irvine already, but UC berkeley was my top school. I’m planning on minoring in poly sci but I have no idea what I want to major in. I like that UC Irvine is close to my home and that it is a safe city. However, I see UC berkeley as a better school and somewhat bigger accomplishment. Any and all opinions welcome especially from UC berkeley and UC Irvine students.

You might receive more responses if you post this on both the Berkeley and Irvine pages.

Was Berkeley your top school or your first choice? If it was your first choice, was it based on feeling that it was the right fit or based on you perceiving it as a “better school.”

Don’t look at Berkeley as a validation of what you did in high school (“bigger accomplishment”). It isn’t an award. Go to a school where you will be happy and thrive. Have you seen this from the Daily Cal? http://www.dailycal.org/2017/01/30/struggles-going-huge-university/

It was my top school as in it was a reach school and I finally got in from the waitlist but sadly for January. Right now I’m also concerned about whether I’d be able to get a job or internship near LA instead of near the Bay Area since I plan to live in LA after I graduate. Unfortunately, I did not get into UCLA.

“If I were to commit to this, I would have to do a semester at community college but I’d prefer not to do so.”

Is this a requirement of your acceptance to Berkeley? If not, be sure to check with UCB before enrolling into comm. college. If you rack up a semester of credits you could then be considered a transfer student and your acceptance might be voided. I do not know this for sure- just be sure to check.

It is not a requirement but I spoke to an admissions counselor and he said that I can take classes for a semester. He wasn’t much help though on what classes I would need to take so that I’m not behind everyone else that was admitted for fall

Just take the GE classes that satisfy the Berkeley requirements. Consider taking the 1 semester GE classes so that you don’t have to finish up the second half at Berkeley.