Waitlist Question

Hello CC,

So recently, I’ve gotten waitlisted at UC Davis, UCI, and UC Santa Barbara. Being that these are my top 3 schools and I’d be happy to attend any of them, I accepted a spot on the waitlist for all 3. However, I do have a preference among the 3, with
Davis being my first choice, following with UCI, and UCSB last. So assuming if I were to be accepted off the waitlist by UCSB before UCI and UCD, can I SIR to UCSB and then withdraw it if UC Davis or UCI also took me off the waitlist later? To my understanding, there’s a deadline I would have to respond by if I were to be accepted and knowing how unpredictable UC Waitlists are, there’s no guarantee I’ll know the status of all 3 of my waitlists around the same time. So if I got off the waitlist first for UCSB, I would like to see my waitlist status elsewhere before I commit. Of course, there’s no guarantee I even get off the waitlist for any of these schools, but I was just wondering.