Got waitlisted to Drexel.
Wondering when the decisions will come out?
Got waitlisted to Drexel.
Wondering when the decisions will come out?
Don’t know exactly how Drexel works theirs, but at most schools, it’s whenever they receive a certain amount of declines and they know there’s room. Typically mostly not until May and June, since the decision deadline is May 1. Most wait listed kids need to put down a deposit (which you will lose if you attend Drexel) somewhere else to ensure they have someplace to go.
@Cameron121 so if you deposit to a school before Drexel offers you an admission from the waitlist, that means you cant attend?
No - most housing/enrollment deposits are non-refundable, so you may need to commit to another school, and walk away from the deposit if Drexel comes through. It happens all of the time, but you and your parents just need to be aware that you may blow $400-600 for a deposit if you end up attending your wait list school.
Hi @cesar112 , I was also waitlisted. I was informed on 3/29 I was waitlisted. On Friday 4/10, I was accepted. I never reached out to the school, so I think I just got lucky.
If I were you, if you really want to attend Drexel, reach out to an admissions counselor expressing your interest. Tell them your situation, and I’m sure they can give you the best advice. If you have a shot at getting off the waitlist, I wouldn’t be surprised if they offered you admission right away after reaching out to them.
Good luck!