<p>Arg, I just got waitlisted…anyone know how many ppl Brown typically waitlists and how many they actually accept off the list?</p>
<p>About 500. About 50.</p>
<p>This info comes from 7 years ago (aw, I just mistyped "7 tears ago" which is a Freudian slip, surely). </p>
<p>My S was waitlisted on Brown and kept his name on it. I recall numbers similar to those in post #2. As I recall, he phoned them to iinquire what his waitlist number was, so he could gauge his real chances of being called in. I think his number was around l00 or something, and being a realist, his mind moved on to his other choices. He did, however, remove himself from Columbia's waitlist because he didn't think he'd ever prefer going there to the LAC's that took him. For Columbia he felt wrong about occupyiing a waitlist spot (you gotta know my kid, he's painstakingly fair!). But Brown he still cared for. </p>
<p>He was packing for OtherPlace (an elite LAC) in August (which BTW he ended up loving-every-minute, graduating happily 4 years later). A postcard came and Brown offered him a spot in the Spring semester of Freshman year. </p>
<p>As I recall, I thought Spring spots come available because of attrition, but he learned that housing eases in Spring because of Jr. Year Abroad kids. Spring Admit Housing would be somewhat odd, without choices, but it was guaranteed on campus. </p>
<p>Although the thoughts in August were still warm towards Brown, he didn't want to go off freshman year to his LAC, not bond there, move to Brown midyear and to possibly second-best housing...when his LAC really wanted him! So he told Brown no thanks. I'm sure he made the right decision at that moment. To this day, he feels okay about the Brown and Columbia waitlists since that meant, essentially, that he qualified to get in but it was too crowded. It also indicates his list-of-8 that he applied to, his search-range, was appropriate, since people who experience no rejections or waitlists
may wonder if they reached high enough (OR, if never rejected or waitlisted, they must be those uber-triple-800 types whose parents attended 4 colleges apiece and donate to them all...)</p>
<p>However, if you feel much differently about Brown, much more passionate that is, then perhaps call them to make all these inquiries, if it will help your summertime thinking.</p>
<p>Best wishes no matter where your journey takes you.</p>
<p>i was under the impression that no one got in from the waitlist last year, though it might have been a story???</p>
<p>it depends on Brown's yield. Last year no one got off the waitlist because Brown overestimated its yield and more people accepted than Brown anticipated. The year before (my year) was more in line with the general statistic that Brown puts in its waitlist letters. This year, anything can really happen I suppose...</p>
<p>I'm in 09, I am a and personally know 3 other waitlist admits (coincidence that we ended up knowing eachother) Maybe they've changed, but I was not under the impression that Brown admitted people to spring semester. I found out May 16th or 17th by getting a big packet much like a regular acceptance one.</p>
<p>I recommend writing a one page letter to your admissions rep indicating your interest and also why you and Brown are a good fit for each other. Make sure to mention what you would do for Brown, not just what Brown can do for you. You can send me a PM if you have questions.</p>
<p>Yeah, last year we UNDERestimated yield and had some issues that led to very low transfer admit rates and I'm pretty sure no waitlisters though I know a few waitlisters at Brown in my class (09).</p>
<p>I don't think we admit for spring semester any longer, FWIW.</p>
<p>i actually just found out tonight that another friend of mine is a waitlist admit, so that brings me up to 4 people i know who got in off the waitlist plus me.</p>
<p>I am in waiting list. Could anyone post more info about getting off the waitlist? Another question is: how can you find out your regional representative? Thanks!</p>
<p>i wrote a rather lengthy post about my experiences on the waitlist in the general brown forum</p>