Waitlisting Classes

<p>My son was just eligible to sign up for Spring classes today. Two of the classes that he needs to take were full, so he waitlisted them. Does anyone know how likely it is to get into these classes? He said he's first in line on one of them, and I'm not sure about the other? The one Psychology class he needs only has one class offered. The other class he needs is Second year Spanish, and he refuses to sign up for the 8 am class, which has some openings, because his First year Spanish class was at 8 am, and he missed several classes because he had a really hard time getting up early, and attendance in this class counts for 7.5% of the grade. Thanks for any input on the waitlist situation.</p>

<p>if there is only one class being offered and he is first on the sign-up sheet it could go either way. I’d say he has a better shot at getting in than he doesn’t, but there is still a big chance he doesn’t. For 2nd year Spanish he will probably have to take the 8am or nothing at all. When there are lot’s of classes and 8am’s are the only one’s left, you’re only going to get into an 8am (I went to the very last summer orientation, and I tried to build my schedule so I wouldn’t have to take any 8am’s, waitlisting every possible class; I have 8am’s Mon-Fri.).</p>

<p>pinkposey, did your son register for alternatives to the classes he waitlisted? The system is set up so that if he gets into the waitlisted section, he can be automatically dropped from the alternative. </p>

<p>Re: 2nd year Spanish, if the class is important to his progress, he should register for the 8am section, and designate that it be dropped if he gets into the section he wants. A lot depends on how far down the list he is. Unfortunately, 8am classes are often the only option. My son is in a 3rd year Spanish at 8am and is not a happy camper, but you do what you have to do.</p>

<p>Re: Psych, being #1 on the waitlist is very good, but not a sure thing, especially since only one section of the class is offered. Ordinarily though, chances would be in your son’s favor.</p>

<p>Forgive me if I overstepping, but I guess my main point is that your son needs to register for a full load plus the 2 waitlisted classes. And the sooner the better, to have the best choices. I apologize if he has already done so, but from your initial post I’m not sure.</p>

<p>Make sure that your son does not waitlist for a class in a time slot that he is already enrolled in a class. In a case like that, the system will see the conflict and not enroll you in the waitlisted class, even if you really want to get into that class, unless you tell it to drop the class with the time conflict. Sounds obvious, but it can get a little tricky when waitlisting lots of classes.</p>

<p>Thanks for everyone’s input. I talked to him and told him to go ahead and sign up for one of the open Spanish classes and he did, but it is one that meets in the early evening. He is still waitlisted for the class offered at the preferred time. Bthomp, he has run into some problems with scheduling - sounds like what you are talking about. He is going to go see his advisor for some help.</p>