wann hear about my sucky life

<p>Yeah.. so I'll start. The girl I like now hates me ( although the past week we were getting along really well... I sort of blew her off last weekend.. huge mistake). Someone stole my cellphone today... which has all my numbers in it. I found out that the day I have my drivers test I also have an IB exam, so I'm going to miss the drivers test. I already had to pay $50 to get the drivers test appointment (its somewhat of a black market deal lol), and now I'm going to have to pay another $50 to switch it over to next thursday. Its raining so I just got absolutely drenched.</p>

<p>I'm damn depressed right now..</p>

<p>People are starving to death in Africa.</p>

<p>in fact, 1/3 of the earth's human population is affected by malnutrition or substandard housing (i.e. rats, no floors).</p>

<p>put it in perspective :P</p>

<p>lol I knew I was gonna get a response like this.. believe me, I know how spoiled the post sounded when I submitted it.. but I was just too lazt to delete it</p>

<p>Does not look too sucky.
When you get kicked square in the balls that truly sucks! Believe me :o</p>

<p>Ah, i've had many horrible days too. if I explained them to you I bet it would make this the longest post i've ever left on this site. I'll save everyone though. </p>

<p>But I do know how you feel. Yes other peoples lives are really bad, like the children in Africa, but when something horrible happens you just need a place to rant. It's understandable. So I hope everything gets better for you megaman. good luck.</p>

<p>^^ I like that post.</p>