Want to peek at my essays? I was admitted to MIT and CalTech ( EA and RA)

<p>I don't know if this is allowed or if it would help. I also don't know know how to PM so that would be cool to learn if someone will show me but I'm more than willing to help, I know I would gave liked to see an admit's essay last year.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t mind reading yours. And to pm, all you do is left click on someone’s username (laximer, for example) and click “send a private message.”</p>

<p>Thank you, just post which ones you want me to send ( topic)</p>

<p>Either, but MIT preferably.</p>

<p>Can I see?</p>

<p>Not a UG or even a candidate, but curious as to what top US schools accept.</p>

<p>At the plank scale, the laws that permeate the mechanical world in which we live do not seem to hold. Particles may be in multiple places at the same time (quantum super position). The states can be collapsed to one observable place (quantum decoherence). Particles may act as waves spread out through space and time (wave particle duality), and can be interconnected over great distances (entanglement).
A set of gloves, a gas mask, and a lab coat is all that separated me from the nano-particle infested air at the plasma spray forming lab. Before my own eyes, at the control of a button, the coating had been shot through the air at temperatures in excess of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, striking the substrate with bedazzling force, a thing of true beauty. I collected the HA-CNT (Hydroxylapatite reinforced with Carbon nanotubes) covered sample, but the research had not as of yet begun. This summer I earned the opportunity of working side by side with PhD students in the field of nanotechnology, researching thermal spray coatings and their application to orthopedic implants. Conducting wear tests to assess mechanical properties, and Scanning Electron Microscopies to verify CNT bridging, I became immersed in the world of nanotechnology, and the quantum physical laws that govern materials at this level.
In my research, I became acquainted with a plethora of knowledge, my studies at Florida International University, led me to William Tiller, a materials science engineer at Stanford who wants to expand our current view of space time geometry to contain a third parameter, consciousness. Having postulated a new particle, the deltron, Tiller’s research points to a disconcerting discovery; that it is possible to make a significant change in the properties of a material substance, through conscious intention. Intention, which through information entanglement, can induce a coupled state of physical reality. The birth of Psychoenergetic science.
The advent of nanotechnogy, and Psychoenergetic Science are comprehensive representations of the Copenhagen interpretations of quantum mechanics. Moreover, as I delve deeper and deeper into the subject my hands tremble at the possibilities. From stronger than steel orthopedic implants, to safer, stronger, light weight composites, to a whole new field ready to be explored!
The implications of quantum physics are colossal and diverse. While advances in technology, will continue to guide the way we deal with problems, and go about our every day lives, the implications of Tiller’s research are for more chilling. Practically, the concept the research points to, is that conscious intention has a causative effect on the perceived physical world, that thought transcends the confines of your skull to affect the physical reality, that your actions, beliefs, and events you experience are not based on mechanistic, complex, chemical reactions subservient to random chance, but that rather based on conscious experience a variation in deltron fluxes created by everyone, every second, every where.</p>

<p>Ehh might as well just post. I think this was a good one (MIT) the topic was about a significant experience/or personal interest</p>

<p>If you woul like for me to post more just tell me the topic you would like to see and I’ll tell you where I used it.</p>

<p>I’m taking the essay down and won’t put up more in 2 days so ask now</p>

<p>What did you write for the Feynman one??</p>

<p>ok guys no more PMs please just post here with the one you want and ill send</p>

<p>I’d like to take a look at the MIT essay, thanks!</p>

<p>can i please see your caltech one?</p>

<p>Can I see both? Thanks!</p>

<p>I’d like to take a look at both of your essays too thanks!</p>

<p>wow. i had no idea wut u were saying. which explains why i didnt apply to mit and caltech, lol.
but respects to you.</p>

<p>Hey! I’m a very humanities oriented person, but I am applying to schools of equal calibre as MIT and I’d love to see what those schools look for in their essays!</p>

<p>I’d like to see the MIT one, please.</p>