Wanting to know more info about KSU

Hi, you may remember me if I was looking at Cornell University, but alas, that won’t ever happen. Let’s get real. But the reason I’m here is that I’ve heard that Kansas State has a really good veterinarian program and I was wondering if any of you fellow College Confidential peeps had any info on the college… Another pro is that it’s closer to home and it’s WAY cheaper than they Ivy Leauge school I had my heart set on. But KSU’s Pros/Cons list has far more pro’s than Cornell did. :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance, if you have any info.

My son is pre-vet at KSU and is VERY happy. So happy in fact I don’t think I’ll ever get him back to Texas. He is majoring in animal science and is in their early admit program to vet school. The merit scholarships are wonderful. He loves the social life there and the academics. He is in a fraternity, his gf is pre-med and in a sorority and they both have 4.0s with only a few weeks of school left. He feels like the faculty really cares and the students are wonderfully happy. He is currently in the honors college but will probably not continue in it because his main goal is to get all his pre-requisites and start vet school after his third year (an option with the early admit program) with high grades. The vet school is amazing. They are re-doing the labs (finished the first year labs) and have added clinical starting in the first year of vet school. There are job opportunities for undergrads working with animals. It is a fun, school. If you want to message me with specifics I’ll be glad to answer them. We are 100% happy with choosing KSU over “higher ranked” schools.

Thank you! I will be sure to ask more questions!

K-State is a wonderful school and a hidden gem in my opinion. The campus is beautiful and people there are very welcoming. The veterinary program is consistently highly ranked, as well as other programs. For out of state students, take a look at the scholarships page and specifically the Purple and White Scholarship for non-Kansas residents. With a with a 3.5 high school GPA and 24 ACT or 1160 SAT you can get a scholarship that lowers cost to in state tuition levels.

We used the Purple and White Scholarship. Also apply for the alumni scholarships (you don’t have to be an alumni). We got one of those which also helped the first year.