This article gets it right!
Very good article. The comments are generally supportive, although several still have difficulty understanding costs/tuition and how coop factors into increasing time to graduate. When we struggled to understand (prior to freshman year), we just focused on “tuition for 8 semesters”. Now as that she is in her third coop she will have only 7 semesters.
@bhmomma AP credit?
AP and one dual l enrollment. She considered a double major, but decided on a major/Minor and early graduation. Currently on third coop and considering an offer.
My daughter also just graduated in 4 years with 2 coops and I only paid for 7 semesters thanks to AP credits (and she had the first summer off)- ended up with a double major and a minor after coming in undeclared -worked out great
Great article for NEU!
Great article! Thanks for sharing it.