Was I in Tuscaloosa or D.C.?

<p>Last weekend I was walking around a neighborhood called Eastern Market, about a half-mile from the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. (Marylanders, Northern Virginians and DC residents–you probably know what I’m talking about). I was wearing my Roll Tide shirt in support of the football team in their game against Arkansas, and for my son, who’s a freshman living in RCW. </p>

<p>In the span of 30 minutes, no less than four strangers “Roll Tide”-ed me. One woman grabbed my arm and whispered it in my ear as she passed by; one guy said it real smooth-like (“Yo…roll tide, bro”); another guy saw me from across the street and started yelling like a maniac (“HEY, YOU! YEAH, YOU! ROLL TIDE, BABY!”); and another woman waved at me and shirt-popped the Roll Tide shirt she was wearing.</p>

<p>I guess no matter where you live, Roll Tide love is inescapable…</p>



<p>Yes it is! Got me some unsolicited Roll Tide love in a grocery store parking lot last week on the west side of Oahu. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide sugar in Hawaii–gotta love it. </p>

<p>Hey–anyone else out there get Roll Tide-ed by a stranger in a place/situation/time you never expected? Anyone?</p>

<p>In the drive-thru at McDonalds
In the parking lot of Kroger
In the parking lot at Big Lots</p>

<p>(I have a ‘Roll Tide’ license plate cover and a magnetic ‘A’ on my car - thus all the parking lot action.)</p>

<p>I will relay my son’s ‘Roll Tide’ story. Although possessing several Alabama T-shirts his senior year of HS, he rarely wore them outside the house since we live in a fairly rabid SEC college town, and he was a little concerned about possible unpleasant encounters. During an errand at the grocery store, he was taken aback by over a half-dozen ‘Roll Tides’. He had been showing up in the local newspapers a fair amount at the time, and wondered if there had been an announcement that he had been awarded a full-ride to Bama, (figuring it must have been a <em>very</em> slow news day) when he chanced to look down, and realized he had forgotten to change his UA shirt before leaving home!</p>

<p>Needless to say, after that, his Alabama shirts got quite the workout.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>D and I were heading to UA for a visit for Greek Preview Weekend last March. She had brought her pillow pet, which has 'Bama on it and is of course, an elephant.</p>

<p>At Chicago Midway, the elephant pillow pet, along w/ our carry on went thru the scanning machine. Once we cleared the X-ray machine a very big and crabby looking TSA agent held up the elephant and asked loudly “whose is this!”…my D very meekly said “mine”. He fist pumped the air and said loudly “Roll Tide” and smiled at her. </p>

<p>She thought it was the coolest thing ever and probably cemented UA as her top pick.</p>

<p>I Roll Tide a guy in an Alabama shirt in Harry Carey’s Steakhouse in downtown Chicago…gotta admit, it was sort of fun. lol</p>

<p>We were in St .Louis to speak at a Bama reception for incoming students. It was afterwards and went to Starbucks by Frontenac Plaza to get a coffee. There was a girl there in shorts with the script Alabama "A"on them. My daughter and I both said “Roll Tide” . the girl just stared at us like we were crazy. My daughter said it a second time…no response. So my daughter went up to the girl and said “Do you know what shorts you are wearing?” The girl replied, “I got them at a yard sale>” My daughter spent the next 30 minutes schooling the young lady on “The University of Alabama.” When the girl walked out with her coffee she smiled at my daughter and said , “Roll Tide.”</p>

<p>I live in Atlanta, and this has the Dawg fans very upset. You never hear “Go Dawgs” round town. Or “Go Yellowjackets.” But Bama gear abounds!</p>

<p>I was riding my bike on the bike path in Glenwood Springs, CO when all of a sudden I hear, “ROLL TIDE, Y’ALL”. I nearly fell off my bike. It was the loudest sweetest southern draw I have ever heard.</p>

<p>Here in West By-God Virginia, my wife, kids, and I are geared in The U of Alabama gear. We have had “Roll Tide” at the high school, soccer field, and at church since they also know our oldest son is a freshman;
however, we also have had “War Eagle”, which we do not like!</p>

<p>They’re gonna be a Worn Eagle after this weekend’s beat-down.</p>

<p>My wife, son and I were traveling to Wyoming this past June; on the plane, we struck up a conversation with a couple sitting in front of us. At some point, the couple mentioned that they were from Alabama. Of course, we got all excited and told them Junior was heading to UA in the fall. We gave 'em a hearty “Roll Tide” … and was met by stony silence. After an uncomfortable few seconds, they said, “Uh… we’re Auburn folk,” whereupon they turned around and did not say a word to us the rest of the flight. True story.</p>

<p>Bless their hearts. They should have come back with an equally hearty “War Eagle.”</p>

<p>My DD sent me flowers at work to express her excitement in seeing us this coming Parent’s Weekend. It is a beautiful red arrangement with a big red ribbon and a card saying, ROLL TIDE! When I went to get a cup of water to replenish the flowers, some co-worker (I will be polite) snuck in and put a War Eagle post-it note on the arrangement. All I can say is, “Game on!” Can’t wait to decorate the offender’s office after my visit to Tuscaloosa this weekend.</p>

<p>Many years ago I was in San Diego for a senior trip and wearing my Bama 1978 National Championship shirt as I was roller skating up and down the beach. A very large young man wearing a USC football shirt stepped out and blocked my path. He asked me if I was from Alabama to which I shakily replied, “Yes”. His face broke into a big smile and he said, “I am from Athens, Alabama”! I found out he was actually a member of the USC football team and we happened to share the 1978 National Championship with them! As I was leaving, he gave me a big “Roll Tide”!</p>

<p>My junior daughter at Bama loves this story and still occasionally wears my shirt to sleep in! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I wish I could post a pisture on here that my husbands best friend (dhtr at LSU) sent us. He with a bright purple and yellow LSU sticker in his back window parked at the grocery store. When he came out, another truck parked next to him, with a large Alabama “A” on it. When he left the store, and saw it, he knew they parked next ot him on purpose. He got quite the laugh out of it and sent us a picture. </p>

<p>We were assured he refrained from flattening their tires! LOL</p>

<p>Arrived in Tuscaloosa yesterday - turns out my nervous, Californian “Roll Tide” needs a lot of work! I have probably gotten 30+ "Roll Tide"s in the last 16 hours. Love it!</p>

<p>Me, too Em! My problem is I haven’t figured out the correct response. I’ve been known to say “thank you” - which has my kids hiding their faces in shame. Of course, I could use the ‘thumbs up’ or “back at cha” - with the requisite finger pointing. Perhaps it’s “I roll tide you, too” (though I am guessing…no.) Can someone please point this confused mid-westerner in the correct roll-tide direction? Could it really be as simple as, “Roll Tide!”? (and is it ROLL tide or roll TIDE?)</p>

<p>I’ve just been responding with a “Roll Tide” back, following the example of a few locals I saw at 15th Street Diner last night. And I /think/ it’s ROLL tide.</p>

<p>The correct response is an enthusiastic, “Roll Tide!”. I am really enjoying all of the stories in this thread! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Peachtide is correct - just respond with “Roll Tide!”. If your mouth is full, a thumbs up and a smile will do fine. Also, if someone accosts you with Go Dawgs or War Eagle or Go Vols or Geaux Tigers or some other equally nonsensical phrase, just smile patiently and respond with Roll Tide. :-D</p>