Washington University premed wins Jeopardy College Championships

<p>I'm a Washington University student, and I've been watching trivia shows since I was a kid. So it's pretty cool knowing we won the college edition this year and that it was won by someone in my department. </p>

<p>If you are a trivia/ quiz bowl whiz (as I was in high school), you might want to know that the academic bowl team at WashU is pretty strong.</p>

<p>Didn’t watch today’s show, but I know the guy’s name is Nicholas Yozamp or something.</p>

<p>I saw the show tonight. Alex Trevek kept telling Nick that he didn’t look so certain about his answers, but then got them right! I kept rooting for him! So glad he won.</p>

<p>He did a great job! Way to provide good exposure to WUSTL! My D now sees him everywhere around campus she says!</p>

<p>I saw him in one of the earlier rounds. Cool! Wash U. is my son’s first choice right now, so we’re educating folks in Maine about the school. “In St. Louis!” we keep telling them.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn, if you have any questions regarding Washington University, please PM me. I am a current student and would love to share my experiences here with you and your son.</p>