WashU v. BC vs. Tufts

<p>im having trouble deciding. can anyone help give me a clearer idea of washu to see if its a good fit for me?</p>

<p>to give an idea of what i want, i had wanted to go to duke but didnt get in. i want a school with a lot of school spirit and sports are very important to me but i also want to go to a school with a lot of diversity. i dont really know what washu students are like or what a typical washu student is known for... any help? i really want a friendly and open place. is there a wide randge of personalities and people there? im also wondering what the party scene is like there? the main area i want to study and pursue is political science/pre-law. </p>

<p>waht do you guys think? could you answer some questions i have? do you think washu is a good fit? or would bc or tufts be better for me?</p>

<p>Probably BC</p>

<p>I don’t know much about Tufts or BC, but it sounds like WashU is sort of a fit, but not completely. So, from someone who has visited and is going to WashU next year…
Sports seem to be sort of big at WashU, but not very. WashU is Div. III and have won a lot of titles, but the general air I get of the campus is “Sports? What sports?” There definitely were people who were into sports and who played sports, but I don’t think WashU is the big “school spirit, sportsy” school.
Diversity is not a problem for WashU. I don’t know how much more I can say about that. I mean, going here you don’t see a lot of different ways of dressing… There weren’t any punks/goths, there were a few “emos,” and the majority dressed pretty midwest-conservative with a lot of t-shirts and jeans, some sweaters and polos. However, personalities were widespread with anyone from the partier to the studying recluse. Everyone was nice. EVERYONE. The general air was that of the studious, yet not cutthroat person. It is probably the most laid back of the top 25 colleges.
Speaking of partiers, there were parties. I visited over the weekend and the entire suite that was hosting me (6 people) were at three different parties. However, just know that WashU’s parties are second to academics, so it’s not something that will take over your life. Or it seems that way… Also, there are a large number of substance-free floors, so if you don’t want to party, request one of these and you’ll be out of that scene.
Sorry I don’t know much about Tufts or BU. However, I think you’ll like WashU. It’s very easy to make of WashU what you want, since they pretty much have everything somewhere.</p>

<p>so after talking and emailing with my college counselor and talking to my parents, i think im going to decide between tufts and washu (though i will still visit BC again), so does anyone know about any differences or anything between them?? </p>

<p>luked1269-- thanks, yeah i really think washu would be a good fit and i loved it when i visited it but it was during the summer so i didnt see much of the student body. but thats great to hear</p>

<p>Neither Wash U nor Tufts have the sports scene that BC has, but if you’re deciding between WUSTL and Tufts I would definitely recommend WUSTL. For what its worth, I visited Tufts and hated it, and visited Wash U and loved it. I think that Wash U probably a little bit stronger academically, and I know that a lot of the things you are looking for in a college (diversity, laid-back students, etc.) are some of the most highly praised parts of the Wash U experience.</p>

<p>WUSTL campus > Tufts campus… it’s not even a close comparasion</p>

<p>WUSTL probably has a leg up in nearly every field of study, except for International Relations</p>

<p>From what you said, WUSTL seems like it matches your interests and preferences more. Tufts certainly isn’t a bad school, but it is much smaller, its campus leaves something to be desired, is in a strange area (not sketchy/dangerous, but it is like in the middle of a neighborhood… look it it from aerial view in google maps to see what i mean), and its academics aren’t on the same caliber as WUSTL.</p>