Waterproof shoes for the rain?

<p>Ok, so people have been telling me it rains a lot in Berkeley. Coming from Socal where rain is usually not a problem, I never really had to worry about wearing waterproof shoes. Now that I will be going up North, I need more info on the rainy weather. How often does it rain during the school year and which are the peak months? What do guys wear for waterproof shoes. I don't want to wear rain boots.... I don't want to wear dressy leather shoes either.... What is an waterproof shoes option that is casual? Should I just use one of those shoes waterproofer spray bottle things and avoid having to worry about getting waterproof shoes all together? Do they really work? Advice needed! Thanks.</p>

<p>There’s not much you can really do within your specs. Good sneakers will be water-resistant to a certain extent – that’s usually enough. An umbrella will usually keep you dry enough.</p>

<p>For me, I simply packed a couple extra pairs of socks in my backpack for the few times when the water really gets too bad.</p>

<p>wear some cute rainboots!</p>

<p>I live in the bay area, and it rains all the time in the winter here. I’ve never really got any “water proof” shoes. I wore like Vans mostly, and you just have to be careful not step in any really deep puddles. Other than that I never even got my socks wet. If you’re really worried or feel like you’ll be running through the rain, I’m sure there are water resistant shoes out there. Yeah I wouldn’t want to wear boots either.</p>

<p>I would just wear rainboots. … WalMart sells black “manly” ones if you’re worried that rainboots are too girly.</p>

<p>Rainy season is roughly October through April</p>

<p>Wow. October through April?? That’s a long time. I live in South Orange County and I was wondering how much longer the rainy season was in the Bay Area… Thanks for the info.</p>

<p>At least there is nil chance of rain from May through September. In general, it only rains 1/3 or less of the days during the rainy season and not that much usually. The total rainfall amount isn’t that high. However, when you get a week or two of consecutive rainstorms blowing through, it can be depressing.</p>