<p>I was looking for an AP Calc BC tutorial on youtube, and this popped up in "related videos."</p>
<p>Do you think this kid's philosophy is accurate? YouTube</a> - Have You Ever Wondered: AP Classes Vs. Regular Classes</p>
<p>I was looking for an AP Calc BC tutorial on youtube, and this popped up in "related videos."</p>
<p>Do you think this kid's philosophy is accurate? YouTube</a> - Have You Ever Wondered: AP Classes Vs. Regular Classes</p>
<p>no the kid is stupid (sorry for the language) AP classes prepare you for college and they’re not the same from 19 whatever he said, they change them kiddo</p>
<p>I sort of agreed with him though. Everything has totally been dumbed down for our generation.</p>
<p>I agree with him; regular classes 50 years ago were equivalent to AP classes today.</p>
<p>so have i been brainwashed by others?? atleast they look good on college apps</p>
<p>I definitely don’t agree. My father was going to high school in the 1950s and he was definitely not learning the sort of stuff I am. Of course, he was going to a tiny segregated school for blacks in Alabama, so he wasn’t getting the best education out there, but he was the best student there (valedictorian) and excelled at college (also segregated).
My mother went to integrated schools in Maryland and DC and she didn’t learn the sort of stuff I do. She also thinks it was a lot easier to get into prestigious colleges back then (she went to Cornell as a transfer student).</p>
<p>oh HECK yea. the standards have been given a BOOST.</p>
<p>Didn’t do his research…</p>
<p>The AP program was created in 1955. Hence, AP Classes now = AP Classes in the 70’s. Maybe the HS curriculum as a whole nationwide is getting dumbed down, but that doesn’t involve AP/IB much.</p>
<p>However, the competitiveness of this generation is a million times greater than that of a generation or two ago. Since most of us on here only endure HS to get to a good college, it’s safe to say we’re worse off than the last generation in terms of college admission.</p>
<p>Uhh, no. My dad was an honors student in HS, and he is shocked at how much more rigorous things are today.</p>
<p>What the hell was up woth the first 9 seconds of that video, anyway?</p>