<p>i was worried about engineering being quite difficult. i tested out of a lot of stuff during h.s.. i just finished my 1st year at a top 10 engineering school with a 3.75 GPA. my roomate is a computer science major and had the same gpa as me (he had a 4.0 2nd semester). i had two friends who have higher gpa than i do (one has 3.8 another has a 3.9). anyways my best advice is this: dont try to overload yourself. there is NO POINT to taking a bunch of advanced classes/semester even if that means you'll graduate a half year early. i took 9 AP tests + comm collge cred and i'm just taking 16 cred hours/sem here. another thing i thing was the fact that a lot of friends i made were fairly competitive and positive pressure actually made me strive to excel in classes.</p>