<p>Are there really tons of snobby rich kids at BU or are the people who say that just mean/jelous and are those kids fine (chill).</p>
<p>There are definitely some rich kids here, but I think you’ll find that at any university. There are also people from lower on the economic totem pole. I’ve met snobby rich kids, I’ve met snobby poor kids. But whether or not the girl next to me is carrying a Louis Vuitton bag that cost as much as my junker car at home isn’t really what’s defining my undergrad experience. I look at it as an opportunity to learn about all kinds of people… rich, poor, middle class.</p>
<p>Yeah, a lot of posters note that BU has rich-seeming kids but I question their lack of experience with higher education generally. Go to any private school and you’ll find large numbers of kids whose families pay $40-50k a year, sometimes for more than 1 kid at a time. BU has more economic and ethnic diversity than most large schools, including many state schools.</p>
<p>Not that I’m remotely close to poor, believe me, but I found the general snobbiness at BU to be very overwhelming. </p>
<p>I met some pretty cool people who were not, many of which were on scholarship, but the general vibe of the school is extremely, extremely snobby.</p>
<p>I’m going to disagree completely. I’m lower middle class, but I really have met incredibly few people who are jerks simply because they are rich. If by snobby you mean “people own expensive things,” then yes, there is that. But I find that people at BU are incredibly kind and open-minded, regardless of wealth or lack thereof.</p>
<p>If you say so.</p>
<p>BU definitely has its share of rich kids. (I think it’s around 40% of the student population that doesn’t receive any financial aid.) IMO, most people are nice…some are not. It’s true though, with the rising cost of higher education, you can expect a certain demographic in many private colleges/universities. I will admit, sometimes it does feel like Comm. Ave is a fashion runway, but BU is much more than that.</p>