
<p>What webcomics do you read regularly, if any?</p>

<p>I like Abstruse Goose, A Softer World, Spiked Math, and Perry Bible Fellowship. I still regularly follow xkcd even though it's not that interesting anymore.</p>

<p>Amazing Superpowers, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Cyanide and Happiness…</p>

<p>just xkcd .</p>

<p>i read all of these.</p>

<p>Gunnerkrigg Court is really good, though I need to catch up.</p>

<p>I read xkcd, Cyanide and Happiness and Questionable Content. I also read Surviving the World, but that is not exactly a webcomic.</p>

<p>xkcd and PHd (Piled higher and deeper).</p>