Website for helping students learn biology from school to IBO

Hello! I am a past olympiad contestant who tried very hard to study for the Biology Olympiad. I had my hardships as I could not even afford the required books and I want to promote knowledge and science in an affordable even free way. My best interest is in helping the student, wherever he/she is located in the world. I created this survey to ask past or current contestants of what do they wish to find on this website because I know how it is to work part-time, maintain grades in school and learn for the Olympiad at night. If there is a specific sub for Biology Olympiad (I couldn’t find it), please send me a link. To whoever decides to respond to this survey I am deeply grateful. The money gained from this website (if indeed would work) will be used only to pay for my future MCAT exam and plane tickets to interview, as my primary purpose is to promote knowledge and make it available to any motivated student. Here is the link:

Thank you very much!