Weighted grades- what do you think of this?

<p>My school weights classes very weirdly. Instead of 4.0 for reg, 5 for honors/AP/whatever, they take your unweighted and "index" it by .05 for each semester you were enrolled in an honors/AP/UW Class. so as a freshman, I got a 3.9 UW, and I was enrolled in honors English for two semesters and AP Human Geography for one semester. Thus, I get .15 added on to my GPA- giving me a 4.05. It's cumulative too, so next year I'm taking 3 semester long weighted classes, so I'll get another .15 added on to my GPA, and so on.</p>

<p>Isn't it weird? I'd rather have just the standard 4 for regular and 5 for AP/Honors. What do you all think?</p>

<p>Mine has 4 for regular, 5 for honors and 6 for AP (our AP classes are REALLY intense)</p>

<p>I think that’s a pretty cool system</p>

<p>Mine are the same as Alex Harper for the same reason.</p>

<p>That just seems awfully confusing. I’m glad my high school used what seems to be a national standard of 4 for an A in a regular class and 5 in an AP class. Btw, at my school accelerated courses (which typically were taught at a much more intense pace than the normal classes) weren’t given any weighting. Did other people not get accelerated classes weighted or was it just my district?</p>

<p>OP, at first reading the system looks really strange … but I don’t think it is as strange as it seems.</p>

<p>Let’s look at a common system … 4.0 for a regular course grade and a 5.0 for a AP course A. The student gets an extra point for taking the AP class. But let’s keep following that … the student is in school for 4 years and takes 5 classes a year (or 20 classes). So the affect of that one extra point for taking any one AP course on their overall GPA is 1/20 … or .05 … hmm looks familiar. </p>

<p>(PS - not sure why you get .05 per semester instead of year … it looks like your school’s policy is equivalent to something more like a 5.0 for an honors A and a 6.0 for a AP A).</p>

<p>My schools weights our actual grades, not the GPA. So, I get 3 extra points on my Honors grades and 6 more points for AP grades ;D</p>

<p>Your system sounds really confusing!</p>

<p>you basically you have to manage a 87 in honors and a 84 in AP for a 4.0 at your school?

<p>We do everything by 100-point scale too. The way it’s weighted is I think +6 for pre-IB and +9 for IB</p>

<p>The school website simplifies it I guess- We utilize grade indexing of a student’s GPA. This involves adding .05 to the students cumulative GPA for each semester a student is enrolled in an indentified class (honors, AP, or UW system class).</p>

<p>Basically, it doesn’t matter what grade you get in the class- everyone gets weight whether they get an A or a D.</p>

<p>It’s annoying. Especially because of how many people play the system, and take loads of independent study courses just to get more “index points” added on to their GPA…</p>