<p>I thought it would be interesting to do a general weird names list.</p>
<p>The weirdest name that I knew someone with was "Phlem." That was a first name. He was named after his dad.</p>
<p>I also know a man whose first name is "Pink." He, too, was named after his dad.</p>
<p>Interestingly, both men were high achievers. One was a military officer. The other holds a doctorate.</p>
<p>I knew a little girl whose first name was "H Lee."</p>
<p>And I know a guy whose first name is "Army." That was also his dad's name, but the guy I know was given a different first name. To honor his father, he decided to change his name to "Army," and his father learned about that when the guy's name was called to march across the stage to get his college diploma. He also has a doctorate.</p>
<p>Well, truth be told, I wasn't familiar with G Unit. But I knew (even before he edited his post) that that was the name he was trying to come up with and that he wasn't going for Gunit. Ask ChaosTheory to post a picture of himself...and you'll see he's a regular Rap Master. But I can't say I know the group.</p>
<p>By time you kids grow up and start naming kids of your own, NOBODY will know who G-Unit is or was. The rap group will be completely forgotten, and "G-Unit" will go back to being simply a really dumb and meaningless thing to name somebody.</p>
<p>It would have been funnier if she had been born in mid-September (9 months after a December snow).</p>
<p>My happily married cousin wears monogrammed dress shirts even though his name is (after slight alterations for privacy) Frederick Anthony Garfield. And, oddly enough, he doesn't ALWAYS do the last initial in the middle.</p>