Welcome New College Rep UArkansas from the University of Arkansas

<p>Please join me in welcoming our newest College Rep, UArkansas from the University of Arkansas!</p>

<p>(As a reminder, we have taken reasonable steps to verify that our College Rep members are indeed who they claim to be. If you encounter anyone in the community who claims to be from a college’s admissions office but isn’t designated as a College Rep, please let us know and be wary of any advice provided before that person is so designated.)</p>

<p>Stop in and say hello in this thread, but please do NOT use this thread to ask questions - start a new thread with an appropriate title. In addition, since our College Reps are busy people, please do NOT start threads asking for help specifically from the Rep - please post the query to the community in general, and you’ll be likely to get multiple informed views on the subject. If the College Rep can provide useful input, no doubt he/she will chime in.</p>

<p>Welcome aboard:)</p>


<p>Welcome UArkansas! Michelle and other members of the admissions staff will be helping answer your questions on here from now on. I will continue to post on here as time allows, but since I’m no longer with the University they’ll be taking care of the most pressing questions.</p>

<p>Thanks for the welcome! I’ll keep an eye on current questions. Please feel free to start new threads if you need assistance and I’ll do my best to help.

<p>Welcome to CC, Michelle! Thank you for being available to our members. So many parents and students are hesitant to contact admission officials directly for fear of bothering them and thus somehow jeopardizing their acceptance odds. So I’m sure that many find it very helpful to have access to someone with the info they need and in a place that feels accessible. So, again, thanks.</p>