Welcome to the new CC Forums!

I found my iPad to test out and it’s a disaster.

When I click the three horizontal lines at the top right, the pop up box is behind the header so can’t be seen or used.

Normally I can touch and hold text to get a pop up box to select and copy but when I touch and hold now, a little pop up is high up on the page and empty. (Trying to test the quote function - no way to choose the text you want.)

This page has reloaded so many times I shut down my device to see if a reboot would help- it did not.

The page numbers, date, and little blue scroll bar are quite literally in the middle of the posts - not over to the right end of posts like on my computer.

This site is unusable on an older iPad. (5 years old.)

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Try using ad blocking browser. I use Brave. It blocks the ads and speeds up the site. On my phone I have an icon that is specific to just CC linked to Brave.

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To the admins… Why not list what bugs your working on and cross off the ones you fixed. Then sticky it. This might help people understand they will get their pms back, their not starting over with new badges etc etc

BTW typing on an android pixel 3a can’t see the first 2 sentences as I type at all. The 3rd line does show in mobile view so I am winging the first two lines. But in preview mode I can see the whole thing but can’t type into it.


I remember Sorin saying we would have our previous time on CC taken into account. So I don’t understand why some Senior Members are at the Basic level 1 now.

These are the Discourse Trust Levels: Level 1 Basic Level 2 Member Level 3 Regular Level 4 Leader

This is what was input, apparently, according to Jon:
“Member” => 2,
“Senior Member” => 3,
“Forum Champion” => 3,
“Forum Champion” => 4,
“Super Moderator” => 3,
“Editor” => 3,
“Community Manager” => 3,

I got the same message on my Mac laptop.

Thank you @MaineLonghorn

I see the IGNORE option has reappeared and MUTE remains an option as well.

Photos are currently not allowed for regular users.

Our expectation is that PMs, bookmarks, post views, and reactions will be restored once the team is finishing the migration work.

@CTTC, yes, previous time on CC will be taken into consideration and you will get the appropriate trust level. Here’s how we intend to match this:

New Member → Trust Level 0
Junior Member → Trust Level 1
Member → Trust Level 2
Senior Member → Trust Level 3
Forum Champion → Trust Level 4
Moderators, Admins, Community Manager, Editor → Trust Level 5

We hope to have this done as soon as possible.

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@Knowsstuff, is it possible for you to send me a screenshot of this issue (at admin@collegeconfidential.com)? Thanks a lot!

@Solstice155, if you click on the time stamp on the post you can see a more detailed view:

The forum index was replaced with the current talk.collegeconfidential.com homepage, which lists all the forums with their sub-forums. As per the feedback received during the testing phase, we have separated all school forums into the School Forums tab in the top horizontal menu.

@Knowsstuff, I’ll work with the team to get that list.

“Trust Level” is a misleading label. It suggests some sort of vetting is happening. But most categories are based on the number of posts the user makes, aren’t they? If it’s primarily an activity rating it should be labelled that way.


What is this Trust Level that people are talking about? I just spent several minutes clicking through my profile, looking at other profiles, etc., and couldn’t find anything about Trust Levels. The only place I can find anything about it is this thread.

Edit: nevermind. I can find it on other peoples profiles. Still can’t find it on mine.

@austinmshauri, the default Discourse functionality that we’ll start using going forward does imply a lot of vetting (it does not solely rely on activity). We don’t want long-term members to start from scratch so we’ll match what we previously had on Vanilla (i.e. the ranks that were activity based) to the trust levels.

Someone asked about the blue dots… maybe @taverngirl? I didn’t scroll back to find the post. Regardless, I just saw this so maybe it will help.

Well, I can’t imbed the screenshot. But this is what it said:

“Your new topics will appear here. By default, topics are considered new and will show a (blue dot) indicator if they were created in the last 2 days. Visit your preferences to change this.”

I see in the preferences I can define what to consider a “new topic”.


Email the pics so I can’t upload a picture here since you can’t use embedded media in a post! Is this function not turned on?

I did. Let me know if you didn’t get it. I tried here but see you can’t at this point.

@Knowsstuff, yes, please email. The embed option is not available for members.

This is what other forums do so you can avoid multiple questions and then the members see your actually working on fixes. Also it usually has a “known” bug list issues section kinda thing

There is also another issue. It makes duplicates. One is like a ghost version of what I just wrote.