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In forums, what is different between “New” and “Latest” - seems to be redundant

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It just took me 8 minutes to read through 15 messages on this thread. I promise I’m a fast reader.

I can also promise that if this lag time in EVERYTHING from scrolling to typing messages continues I will not be visiting this website.

Not a threat. Just a fact. This is miserable.


More on the font variation problem:



The first set was using the old forum markup with the bracketed markups. The second set was using what pressing the B and I in the new forum edit box gives (star or double star).

Both show the font variation in the preview box, but neither shows it for real when posted.

When I bookmark a thread, I get a popup asking me when the bookmark is for.

In a word: Huh?

I mean, I appreciated the opportunity to set a reminder to look at a thread, I suppose, but why should I need that every single time? Is it expected that everyone will have a set time that they have on their calendar to look at a specific CC thread again? That seems silly, and it’s an unneeded extra click, and that’s an extra click on an unintuitive dialog box. (I’m still uncertain I’ve interpreted it correctly. Choosing ‘never’ puts it in my bookmarks, though, so that’s what I’ve gone with.)

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So this one was weird.

I went to the Parents of the HS Co2019 thread and posted an update on my D19. No problem, it posted fine.

I then bookmarked the thread. Also fine.

I then looked at my bookmarks, and saw that the Co2019 thread showed up as locked, and was listed as “part 1”.

So I went back to that thread and my post was there, as post 20239. However, there was also a post 20240, which said " This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 10000 replies. Continue discussion at Parents of the HS Class of 2019 (Part 2)."

And I followed the link and yep, there was a completely new thread. So I reposted my update there (since I wasn’t sure whether it would be seen where it was) and then came over here to mention this, and also to complain a bit.

There are certain threads that are designed to be long. The Parents of the HS Co20xx threads (and, I presume though I don’t go to them, the equivalent ones for the students) are among them. Capping threads at 10k replies, given that such threads exist and have existed for years, is kind of a weird choice.

And why 10k? Why not 100? 100 might make the scrollbar vaguely usable.

(Important note: I am not seriously proposing thread limits of 100 posts. I am presenting it as a dumb idea to point out how similarly arbitrary the current limit is. I would seriously leave straightaway if the thread cap dropped to 100.)


And finally (for tonight) in my bookmarking saga: Why, oh why, do bookmarks take me to the top of a thread rather than to either the last post I’ve read in it or the first unread post?

That was a feature of the old site that I greatly appreciated. Not having it here is a pretty severe downgrade.


The badges and awards are not necessary and are annoying. We don’t need an incentive program.

Many of us have been on here a long time with over 10k posts etc. but are now “basic” level. I assume it was useful for newcomers to see how many posts others had done, but admin can consider this.

I really hate this new format. Maybe I will finally get off CC.


There is no # key for most of us unless we are replying. [quote=“CCadmin_Sorin, post:90, topic:2795256, full:true”]

@4kids4us, you need to press that key on your keyboard.

I will set my calendar to come back after some time. That will give me time to delete or walk back my recommendations to parents/students on other sites to come to CC for help with college planning.

I can be negative sometimes, but this is beyond a hot mess. So 2020.

I posted this on one of the other threads but I think it should be here, too.

I like getting emails when I have a PM but I am not liking the fact that I am getting emails when a bot sends me one. There is a link at the bottom of the email to “unsubscribe from these emails” but it is unclear if it unsubscribes from emails pertaining to bots or if it means all PM email notifications. I am here for the interaction with actual people. I don’t want to get PMs or emails from a bot at all.
ETA: when I click on the link to unsubscribe, the page has the CC logo in the top left but the entire page is white.


Now I’m wondering how many emails I’ve gotten. This site uses an email address we haven’t used for a fair number of years now. I check it once per quarter or so and wouldn’t be surprised if it were discontinued by the server at some point.

The obvious answer is to update my email on here - but one can’t do that. Not on the relaunch or the old version.

If anyone ever sends me an email off of this site, please don’t think I’m rude for not responding!

Or if someone knows how to change my email on here, feel free to let me know.

Did someone just like thumper1’s post about getting status messages? It was posted 15 hours ago. Why is it the last post on this thread when several people posted after her?

I use Brave on my phone and don’t see that. The initial old landing page had links that would give an error when redirecting to the new site page. But once on the new landing page things worked.

Discourse appears to be based on incentives such as badges and awards. Read about Trust levels. There are assignments to keep one’s Trust Level 3 and higher status (no demotions for Level 2 and below). Has anyone noticed this? If so, what do you think?

They have said that people’s experience posting level has not been imported yet from the main College Confidential site

@IxnayBob you may have missed precious comments but those of us using ipads do not have keyboards unless we are in the reply box.

I am getting more comfortable with the site, though I wouldn’t say I am comfortable.

One change that would make the forum index easier to use would be to get rid of the long list of musical theater schools as someone suggested upthread. It is not logical to list all the schools for one major, and one major alone.

But also I would not list every school in the Colleges/Universities section. Very unwieldy. That said, I notice the list is not alphebetized (schools dropped then added later?). Looks amateurish and unprofessional. Finally I clicked on Washington and Lee and it said there were no topics, even though someone started a new thread within the past day, let alone all the threads from before the change.

It seems like you still have a LONG way to go!


@austinmshauri Thumper1’s post is nowhere near the last one I see before yours. I wonder if you have some sort of setting set up differently.

Took me more than 30 minutes to get on the site on my lap top this morning. I had the page up but had to reload because none of my typing was appearing. Then I got a “429 too many requests” error. I waited for a while and tried again and then got a “702 bad gateway” error followed by a “704 timed out” error.

I also got the errors. I finally closed the site altogether and hoped that was a sign some of the fixes were being implemented. :crossed_fingers: (crossed fingers emoji that won’t show up)