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@DramaMama2021 Someone tagged my profile in another thread as an example of a question I had - not too happy that all my info was right there for everyone to see (i mean, i know it has always been there if someone clicked my profile, but this put it right in the thread for all to see). Not upset at whoever tagged it (saying thst in case it was you,) but wasn’t expecting my info to suddenly be right there in a post for all to see LOL. I tried finding the setting to make it private, at least until that thread is no longer really active, but I could not find it. It certainly was not self explanatory - thankfully someone, prior to me seeing your post, mentioned it was under “interface” so I switched mine as well.

Regarding the profile privacy option, perhaps it would be better if there was a user preference for making that private but leaving the post history visible, rather than the user preference controlling both at the same time.


@4kids4us It was actually me on both counts! Sorry about that. When I tagged your profile I wasn’t aware of all the other information showing on the profiles. That was brought up in another post later and I found where to set profiles to private. I was trying to tag specifically your Activity (and it worked that way for me when I tested it earlier) since you were asking how to find the activity of other users. Mea culpa.

@DramaMama2021 No worries! I know you meant no harm. It was just so…big! LOL. I set my profile to private for the time being, but will probably switch it back once this thread is no longer super active.

I just never knew “private” was even an option until I went to find that poster’s previous replies, but couldn’t since her profile was private. Learned something new!

Just so you know I deleted the link. (big smile)


On my iPhone 9s. The scroll functionality feels like one of those clickbait sites. It jumps on you and rolls back several posts, like when they try to get you to hit an ad while scrolling.

Then it goes from normal formatting to huge chunks of white space to scroll to next post.

Then after a few scroll the clickbait screen jump. And it starts all over with white space.

It’s like fighting through a current that keeps sweeping me back out to sea.

Also I get a strange horizontal set of moving lines that appear to be loading a post faintly underneath.

I was thinking it may be ads that my phone is blocking. But I am no tech guru.

Sorry if it’s not a clear description. But it’s the best I’ve got. Lol.

We’re trying to get to the bottom of the screen shifting issue. It’s definitely a problem and one that we are going to squash with a vengeance. Thanks for your patience!

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Thank you

We narrowed down the issue to Safari on MacOS, iPad, and iPhone. If you download the Chrome app on any of those devices, the scroll issue should be much improved. We’ll continue working to see why the screen shifting affects Safari so much. Back soon when we know more!

I’ll give it a try. Pretty sure I’m using chrome. Definately not a safari user. But I’ll double check. I have them all.

The scrolling jumps seem to almost disappear in Mac Safari when I let 1Blocker block CC ads. It’s still possible to scroll faster than the CC servers can supply data, but that effect looks more like blank entries (that do catch up) than actual jumpiness.

I use DuckDuckGo on Android and get a lot of screen shift. I chose my browser for a reason and I’m not going to switch to Google just because the makers of an app can’t seem to make it work with my choice of browser.


Are we going to be able to search a user’s posting history? Researching an OP’s previous threads can provide context to their current ones. It doesn’t look like there’s a way to do that.


There is a user preference to make the user’s profile private. However, it controls all aspects of the user’s profile, including the post history. So users who want to make other parts of their profile private will make their post history private.

If the post history and other parts of the profile could be made private independently of each other, that would be better (some here would lean to not being able to make post history private, but would prefer to be able to make the rest of the profile private).


Personally I don’t have a problem with any of it being public, but I think at a minimum the post history needs to remain public. That is how I can check the reliability of posters on a particular subject.

For example, (not tagging because they don’t need to be brought in) Ohiodad51 is what I would call an expert on Ivy athletic recruiting, and Wayoutwestmom and ucbalumnus are great sources for premed advice. I need to be able to tell if I am getting advice from someone like that, or from some 16 year old, who’s brother’s friend’s uncle told him something so it must be true and he posts it as if he has actual knowledge of the subject.


Given that some users (most recently @vonlost) have reported that there is a connection between the site’s ads and the screen jumpiness, might I suggest that at least part of the problem isn’t the new site, but rather the advertising strategy?

If you’re serving up so many ads that it makes your site effectively unusable, then that’s a clear sign that you’re prioritizing short-term gain in terms of immediate advertising dollars over the long-term viability of the entire project.

Which doesn’t lead me to think that Strada really actually cares all that much about the CC forums community, you know?

[Edited to correct a minor error of fact.]


BUG: quotes disappear from replies now

When quoting by highlighting text and pressing “Quote” when the option pops up, the quote with markup appears in the reply box and renders as expected in the preview box.

However, after posting, the quote is not present in the post.

(Firefox 83, non-mobile)

I was at the bottom of this thread and scrolled back to the top to bookmark it. When scrolling back to the bottom the scroll bar froze at post 119. I had to hit the “back” button over the post number to get back to the bottom.

I read to the bottom of the “Disrespectful College Kid” thread and scrolled back to the top to reread the OP’s first post. But her post was actually the 2nd one on the thread. The one on top was the latest response (by LookingForward). When I backed out of the thread using my back button then reentered it the posts we’re in the correct order. (Android phone, DuckDuckGo browser)

@CC_Mike @CC_Sorin @CC_Jon

I like the pop-up message about today’s ED/EA decisions with links (presumably) to the relevant threads. However, when I selected “Georgia Tech” I was directed to UT Austin so I think that html link needs to be revised. Thanks for your continuing efforts.

@DramaMama2021, thanks for flagging. My colleagues have corrected it now.