Welcome to the new CC Forums!

Thank you for adding the header of each topic at the top of the page.

Any chance you are going to being back pages instead of the scrolling? That is the number one thing that is bothering me, I really, really miss the pages. :frowning:

I agree with the others, the second thing I miss is the post count for each person, it really does make a difference when you can quickly check to see who is giving you advice.


I just thought of one more thing, can we get the name of the person who started a thread to be written out under the thread title again? Currently if I go to a forum it looks like the OP is the first avatar in that bar of circles t the right. Unless I recognize the avatar (which is rare) then I have no clue who started it, especially now with all of the letters instead of pictures.


I really miss that too! Many times in a thread the OP is referred to as “OP”. So as I open a thread, I usually make a mental note of who the OP is. Now there’s no way to know without scrolling back to the top.

I’m working to bring back avatars from people who had them in the past. But I also see the utility of having a name as well. I’ll see if we can add that.

I’m a little less certain about this. I think, as a rule, the person who has posted hundreds of times is more reliable than the someone how is posting for the first time. But I also wonder if there might be better signals than simple post count. I wouldn’t rule out adding that information, since it does have some value and should be straightforward. But I’d like to think about other signals first.

I hope you’ll give scrolling a second chance. We’re fixing a few problems with the scroll bar/timeline, so it should be a better experience for you. It took me a while to get comfortable with the scroll, but it makes a big difference in terms of reading speed once I got used to it. We also find that new users often stopped reading after the first page. So if you happened to be reply 11, your post was far less likely to get read than post 10, which was the last on the first page.

I do think I will like the scroll better than the pages once the performance kinks are worked out. I see using the “go to” post or date function as my replacement for page numbers when searching for an older post.

I do wish the post # and date was shown on each post for referencing. While the reply to post is nice, sometimes it is helpful to note that your reply is in response to posts #10 and #23, for example.


:mosquito: BUG: For this post:

The rendering on desktop (Firefox) differs from the rendering on mobile (Firefox). On desktop, each line with a category and number of people is on a separate line, but on mobile, it is all combined into one line. Also, as can be seen in this post, when the link is previewed, the lines are all combined into one line on desktop.

The Canadian school forums are missing from the list of colleges and universities. The order of the schools is messed up too. It appears to be alphabetical, but Yale comes between S and T.

My thumb is killing me from all the scrolling. If I weren’t using a trackball mouse to protect my hands, I’d have to wear a brace.

I want to see post #s, time stamps and number of previous posts in each post. The latter’s an immediate marker of relative reliability. I don’t come here to reset parameters and hunt-and-peck bits of data that should be right at hand.

Thirty minutes of CC: 707 ads.

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I’m actually having fewer issues every day. I typically only visit this site via my iPhone and whereas I used to have ads nonstop, they have literally all disappeared. (I’ve done nothing different either. Not tech savy at all.)

I’ve been confused to see that sometimes a post is incorrectly attributed to me (and I’m like, “Hey, I didn’t write that!” But then within a few minutes it has been corrected.

I like seeing the titles of the threads on the top of the page now so I can easily see where I might want to return to later.

I’m liking the changes overall. I think each day improvements are happening which gives me hope that by January many will be much happier. (I’m in an optimism streak this week…!!! 2020 is fading fast in my book!!!)


I hate scrolling, Jon, and it doesn’t have anything to do with how fast I read. There’s no sense of time or space with infinity scroll. With page numbers I have a sense of where I am on a website. This is just a bunch of threads tossed together. I took a close look at the beta version and I could scroll back at least a year. Maybe more. There’s no clear separation between recent threads and old ones.

What’s worse is that on a phone there’s no way to navigate. There’s no post count slider bar on the right for us to navigate the threads. We only have 2 options: a back button that doesn’t necessarily take us back to the page we were on before and endless scrolling. I’m a busy person, Jon. I don’t have time to scroll, wait for a page to load, then wait while it lurches around trying to finish loading, then do it all over again when I’ve read the ~3 posts that fit on my screen. Your website isn’t functional. And it uses too much of my battery for me to spend much time looking around. I hope you can fix it.


Did I miss if we’ve been given a definitive answer on post numbers and pages? I’ve read several comments encouraging us to give scrolling a chance.

I just want an answer yes or no- is this platform capable of showing post numbers? Yes or no? Can it provide pages? Yes or no?

If I missed the answer, can you direct me to the post/page number? (LOL. JK)

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I’m wondering why CC went with this software. Why not just use vBulletin or something similar which has been around a long time and has great functionality? There are so many packages that are super easy to use. If you needed to migrate the forums, why was this the choice? There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when it’s already been invented and in use for decades.

I know folks put a lot of work into it and all. I just think if so many people are having a hard time with it that is indicative of it not being an intuitive system. Forums are pretty common out here in the interwebz and folks shouldn’t need hand-holding or have a lot of questions about how to use it. If they do, that’s a sign the design is not intuitive.

I did not think the previous iteration of CC was as easy to use as it should have been either, but this is less intuitive. It’s not better. I probably will not be on here as much now and am likely to look at some other college forums instead.


I’m pretty ok with the new platform on my computer, but it’s not very functional on my phone. Overall, it feels like someone took all the pieces of the forum and just threw them up in the air and now we are trying to figure out where they all landed.


Starting to get the hang of this, but I only use a laptop. It really is as @HighTide 2020 says: trying to figure out where the pieces landed!

Just figured out the blue bar to the right for scrolling, with the post count (ex. 372/373) that is helpful.

Hoping previous PM’s are restored. I like to look at past correspondence when folks get back in touch.

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I’ve gotten used to the site on my computer but still glitchy on the phone.

Today the post numbers at the bottom of the scroll bar were covering the reply button.

I also can’t see the preview box. If I try to move over to it, the screen flickers (for lack of a better word).

My single biggest complaint though is not being easily able to get back to where I was from inside a thread. That’s a big miss.

I’m finding the time I spend on CC to be way down because it’s awful on my phone.


@CC_Jon do we have a timeline on pm’s returning? I didn’t mind them being a lower priority, but I also figured the whole process was going to be measured in days not weeks. If that is not a super hard fix, I know some of us would really appreciate their return. My D is going through interviews and I have a lot of info people sent me there. It would be nice to be able to access it. I wanted to review a few before 10:30 this morning, obviously that can’t happen.

If it’s a days long fix I get that it stays on back burner. But if it takes a few hours lots of us would appreciate getting access to those again.



There are 2 places where the post number is shown:

  1. On the slider/scroller to the right on desktop:
    Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 8.12.21 AM
    On the slider/scroller at the bottom on mobile (tap on this to see the scroller):

  2. When you click or tap on the “time since post” number in the upper right of each post:
    Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 8.10.36 AM

This system doesn’t do page numbers. We’re hoping that, with some getting used to, you’ll find the scrolling, bookmarking, and notification system meets your needs for finding the right posts quickly and easily.

What I wouldn’t give for the old forums of 2 years ago. Look, drop all of the bells & whistles…they’re exhausting. Just do this:

  1. make it easy to find “latest posts”
  2. paginate the pages to make it easy to jump to the last response in a thread (or even the middle of a thread).
    right now, ugh, what a mess…sorry, im a positive person but this whole launch of the past two years has been crazy.

@CC_Mike @CC_Sorin @CC_Jon

Sorry I’m not sure which CC leader is tracking specific issues so I cc’d each of you.

New issue I can’t figure out. Is the use of the emoji response to a post.

I phone 9s. Using Google and chrome as browser.

Every time I use it, the post above is the one that is tagged. I figured this out and Gerry rigged a solution by going to the next post selecting the emoji I wanted in response to the post above and tagging the next one and posts to the one above as intended. but that’s obviously not ideal.


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Interesting. Thanks. I have the same type of workflow. But I always go to my profile area and tap on my avatar , my threads that I follow all show up with unread or new posts indication and link without any workaround. It’s embedded.

Unless I am misunderstanding your need or example.

I’m on an I phone with Google browser