Welcome to the new CC Forums!

Thank you for your reply. If this system cannot add page numbers, showing post numbers next to the “time since post” would be very helpful. (I’d personally rather have post number than time since post). It makes no sense that we have to do extra work, via the scroll bar or clicking “time since post” to find the post number, when we’ve spent years referring each other back to post numbers to easily find information. This is a step backwards.

I’m glad you answered the page question. There cannot and will not be pages, so we need to live with the scroll or leave.


It seems sometimes you cannot see the post number as there is an annoying ad in the way

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The screen jumping around on mobile (iOS) is not limited to safari. It happens on every browser I’ve tried on my phone. And the site still doesn’t work at all on the brave desktop browser. Initial page loads but you can’t scroll anywhere. (It does work using brave on my phone, albeit with the jumping around constantly)

I am on Brave on my Pixel 3a android and the jumping has stopped for now.

Besides having the OP information on a thread having the last poster would be helpful also. Many times I will go to a thread since someone I trust just commented on it.

Also… Why this…>>>>>>>. It’s been a while since we’ve seen gpo613 — their last post was 5 months ago.

It just seems kinda degrading to me . I understand the "let’s welcome xxx for their first post or joining but calling someone out for coming back to this site then telling everyone heh, they haven’t been here in x months or years doesn’t seem right to me…


Something I recently noticed is that I can’t change the category to show all subcategories. Whenever I switch it, it goes straight back to none. Is this a bug?

I think this may be a bug so we’ll look into it.

The 2nd post in the College Admissions Forum”, titled “Can anyone help me?? PLZ” shows “Activity” as 13h.

When I go to it, the last post was January 2015.

The top post in Subject Test Preparation, titled “SAT 2 December Math 2 curve” shows “Activity” 1d ago.

When I go to it, the last post was December 2010.

Navigation is hard enough without wasting time reading threads from 5-10 years ago.

Ads covering the scroll bar also don’t help…

Some people have used the new-found editing capability to delete/edit posts from 5 years ago, triggering “activity”. We’ll look at preventing that this week.

Also the ads covering the scroll bar is terrible. We’ll fix that too.


On an Android phone (desktop view) I can see either the thread title OR how long ago it was posted (by scrolling right), but not both. So more scrolling to see what used to be right there in front of us. That info. and the name of the OP need to be placed under the thread title.

And the box on top of a thread that alerts us that someone is new or hadn’t posted in x months) is a space waster. Phones only have so much real estate. Please don’t waste it on unnecessary items. That includes the list of icons of those who’ve posted in a thread. We do, however, need the post number clearly displayed on each post, not on a scroll bar that we can’t easily see. Even when we can maneuver our screens to see it the post numbers are incredibly tiny on a phone. And there’s a lag during scrolling so there’s no way to know the actual number of a particular post.

@CC_Sorin, Are you going to be able to bring back users posting history? We really need that feature.

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Finally tried the site on my tablet (an older inexpensive model that runs Windows 10, not an android or ios device). The blue scroll bar didn’t work at all. To reach the end of a thread that I have not visited since the new rollout took about 5 - 7 minutes, scrolling and scrolling on the far right page scroll. Very frustrating.

This may have been mentioned previously, but I didn’t want to read LOTS of pages of concerns. That alone speaks volumes!

On the site for fewer than 20 minutes and already lost an hour of battery on my Android phone.

After half an hour two hours of battery power have been used up.

In 45 minutes I’ve lost 5 hours ofvbatter power.

And the screen still jumps around a lot.

My Latest button and my the G-L shortcut aren’t working for me today. It’s taking me to the middle of the list instead of the top. GRRRRR.

Can the popups (the ones announcing things like ED decisions for some colleges have been delivered or that you can get an application pre-read) stop happening after they have been shown a small number of times or the user has clicked through the link?

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I am looking at ED threads from December 2019. It would be SO INCREDIBLY HELPFUL to see actual DATES of posts, not just “Dec '19.” Why can’t we have specific dates?

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@Creaky even with the former format…posts from 2019 would only have had the month and year…not the specific date. IIRC.

Anyone else’s newly set bookmarks disappear? I’m really trying to use this site and it’s very unpleasant. I’m sorry, beyond the many technical glitches it is very poorly organized. It should be easy to navigate around to different things and it’s not. Bummer.

So, I was tagged in a thread but didn’t get a notification. Do I need to do something in my settings?

Disregard! I found it! I see there isn’t any difference between a thread I’m watching and one that I’m tagged in other than the symbol.

Could you PLEASE bring back pages??? The long threads are killing me!


The power drain on my cell phone is unreal. Are y’all working on that?


We are indeed! Stay tuned - we are testing some changes in our QA site that show real promising results!