Welcome to the new CC Forums!

Will that improve the loading speed of the home page http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com (whether on desktop or mobile)?

I cannot easily locate my bookmarks. Very frustrating. I have really tried to keep an open mind, but this is not working for me. :frowning:

…and the pop-ups are ridiculous. I cannot navigate easily on any of my devices…

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It still would be helpful and I wish they’d make that change.

I can’t say for sure, but overall performance of the pages will improve. For now we’re focused on improving the performance while scrolling through threads since that’s where people seem to have the most issues.

I find the post count over on the right to be helpful. I find I don’t need page numbers with the post count provided.


@CC_Mike, Are we going to be able to see posting history? That’s an important feature for a board like this.

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Your posting history (and anyone’s really) should be in their profile. Yours is here. However, if a user’s profile is marked as private, you won’t be able to see their posting history.

I logged in on a PC this morning. First I was taken to an error screen. The next time I tried it looked like it was trying to load the page but I was taken back to the log in screen. That happened 2 or 3 times before I was finally able to log in.

Bookmarks did not, AFAICT, get ported over to the new site. Not sure if that’s on the “eventually” list, like PMs are.

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Feedback needed: Guest AMAs

Long closed threads are now open? i commented on a thread today where the last comment was 11 years ago. I didn’t realize that at the time I commented.

Honest answer. Have looked a couple of times and stopped visiting the site as it was harder to find things. You may lose some people.


@shawbridge don’t go, we would miss you!

I looked for posting history. It does not show up when we post, obviously, the way it used to. On the positive side, we don’t have to be embarrassed about how long we have been on CC :slightly_smiling_face:


Will anything be done about the :mosquito: BUG that links in old posts that were converted to the new forums got rendered incorrectly?

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Yes! We’re working through them starting with most recent posts in 2020. We’ll fix the formatting in those posts as soon as we can!

I just received an interesting message… I have almost reached my limit of allowed “likes/ :heart:”! That is hilarious. I’m sorry I liked so many posts today with all the decisions rolling out. My bad CC. :woman_shrugging: :woman_facepalming:


^^^ LOL, that’s one way to keep people away from the board!

The lag time in typing is driving me NUTS. On a Mac Air. If I make any mistakes it’s even more torture to go back and fix them.

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@DramaMama2021 that’s funny about too many likes…considering that a lot of likes is a criteria for maintaining trust level 3 status!



It is hilarious! There is a limit to the number of likes that can be given to prevent bots and sneaky vendors from running amok and liking every post to boost their visibility. We can change this for each member level. Looks like the current limit is 100 per day. Obviously too small for @DramaMama2021! :grin: There’s a lot of flexibility in the system to give more freedom to trusted users that you all are helping us customize for the CC community. Verdict? WE WANT MORE LIKES @CC_Jon :heart: