Welcome to the new CC Forums!

It was amusing! It seems like my level limit is 50 based on the… wait for it… badge I earned! Haha Seriously, I would expect that to be plenty on any typical day, but when decisions are released I could see exceeding that limit again. Just trying to show the love on those big days. :heart:


@CC_Mike @CC_Sorin
Good morning, this may have been asked and answered, but is there a way of clearing ‘suggested topics’? I have tried unsuccessfully to bookmark threads I follow - thought I had done it correctly but they disappeared the next time I signed on.

Thank you!

At the bottom of the thread, does changing the selector for Watching / Tracking / Normal / Muted change how the thread is suggested for you?

Just a heads up - when we click on links in the Stocking Stuffer thread 6-10 new tabs open up instead of just one.

@momtogkc Just pushed a fix for that. Can you do a hard refresh (Command + Shift + R on Mac, Ctrl + F5 on Windows) and try again?

Looks good - thanks!

One other thing, when I go to the hamburger menu thing to get back to the main forum page it opens up a new tab instead of just taking me there. Not a big deal, I just close the first one and keep going but I’m not sure if that is how it is supposed to work.

We’ll definitely fix that. In the meantime, we’ve changed the icon in the upper left to go to talk.collegeconfidential.com home page. Let me know if that works for you!



What is the point of the new (as of today) “enhancement” of having hyperlinks auroinserted simply by typing in the college name @CC_Jon

How come once in a while instead of taking me back to the last place I was (main page of Latest) it will to skip to the previous thread I read before that? Then I’ll have to manually click on Latest again, thus losing my place. And with no way to figure out what I’ve read and haven’t, it takes me a while to get back to figure out where I was.


This is part of a strategy to reduce our reliance on advertising. We’re working on redesigning school pages so that students can get basic information and track schools they are interested in. We’re also working on making individual school forums more visible to visitors. So if, for instance, I’m interested in California State University, Northridge, we’ll show discussion from the CSUN forum. And from there, students will be able to discover other forums of interest.

Ultimately the goal is to make both the forums and the school pages more useful for students. There are tons of places for finding the basic information about a school such as its acceptance rate. But CC has a unique opportunity to also have high-quality discussions about schools. Meanwhile, we have plenty of great discussions about some schools, but others, (like Northridge) just don’t get discussed much. We think part of the problem is people don’t know the forum exists. So we want to improve internal crosslinking.

If you see a problem with the links, please let me know! We tested it on our test environment, but there’s always the risk we didn’t catch all the edge cases.

Hmmm… I haven’t see that problem. Do you see a “Back” link on the timeline slider. ===>

Much easier, thanks!

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The vertical blue line on the right? If so, no, only a reply button and the post number. I just use my browser back button. Half the time it works fine, but the other half it skips and appears to go back two times.

Ok. I’ll pass this on. Thanks for the report.

I’ve had a problem where I click on a link to a post in Unread and it goes to the top of the forum instead.

But I figured out it’s because the print on my cell is so teeny that it’s hard to just tap the thread title.

A low priority complaint.

Just better hope I don’t start discussing my recipe for Harvard beets or what I like about Colgate toothpaste.

edited to add: Oooh and Colgate doesn’t rate a link!


Or Purdue chicken


FYI: I moved all comments about experts/authors to the dedicated thread below. Let’s continue that discussion there.

Sorin. On the subject of “experts,” I’d suggest a better level of vetting. Any one person’s experience does NOT define how a college handles apps or what is expected. NOT. There are different scenarios for every AO, different (let’s call it) luck of the draw.

You could look hard at the breadth of one’s experience and how current it is. Years ago, we had one fellow drawing admirers like the Pied Piper. His role at a major U had been legit. But turned out he had been eased out of his position in the prior decade, lol. And he had only dealt with one sort of applications, one type of students. But there he was, “telling” kids how to do things. (And, implicitly promoting his own consulting services- which anyone could find via google.) Not to mention, how fast trends among applicants and opportunities change (or barriers, as with covid,)

Add to that, If we disagree with some advice from an “expert,” they lean back on their former titles. Not a good context for open discussion.

I don’t mind experts with a legit track record. A fresh record. And a willingness to hear other points of view. But you’ll notice, the guys who carry the bigger bang- like Fitzsimmons (Harvard,) when he’s being open, pre-trial- are not on open forums telling kids how to master applications.


I’m getting kind of tired reading posts that are resurrected from 6-10 years ago.

There has to be a better way to show dates than “Dec 10” and “Dec '10” in very light blue font on a white background.

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