Welcome to the new CC Forums!

Yes, make the posts from December XX, 2010 show as “Dec XX, 2010 (10 years ago)”.


Those old threads should be…closed!


So I am not on cc all day. But started reading a thread and commented on some comments from people. It will only allow me to make 2 posts? When I do the third one it says I can’t till Someone else posts something…? Huh?.. I was responding to specific people. Not sure what the advantage of this is. It’s just frustrating to me.

I’ll ask @CC_Jon if we can lift that limit for senior members. That is in place mostly to limit newer members from creating multiple posts when there should be a single one.

Thx. Just hard to be part of a thread if you can’t participate.

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What’s with the posts that are hidden? They say they’ve been flagged by the community but you can click to view the post. I’ve seen several of these now, and the content is nothing that I would consider controversial in any way.


I’m guessing they’re off topic, even slightly. ? Since we had OT in the past and as long as that didn’t overwhelm a thread, it was ok, agree this is confusing.

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I don’t recall the threads on the first couple I saw, but the last was a post in the vaccine thread and seemed on topic to me.

Yes regarding the hidden threads - why? And if you click you can see the hidden content anyway.

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@taverngirl, I agree with you on the post in the vaccine thread. There was nothing in what I read that seem off topic or objectionable; plus if we can still read it by clicking on the message, what is the point? Can @CC_Mike @CC_Jon or @CC_Sorin address this?

The thread in question is: So….who has had a covid vaccine?


I agree. I kept wondering if I should review the TOS because I wasn’t sure why they were hidden.

On two other threads I saw reported/hidden posts that were either rude or political. Those I could at least understand why they may need to be reviewed. But I could still read them so…

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That thread has a note from me (and also from the OP) about going OT, with non-exhaustive examples of OT comments. As for hidden posts not really being hidden, that’s news to me, so an admin needs to address.

@skieurope, I only saw one post that I didn’t understand why it was flagged, but I understand there were other posts I did not see. Unless someone gets notified on every post, some will come and go without us seeing the post. So what I ready was not OT, but maybe others were.

As far as the hidden posts, I wonder if there is an amount of time when it is flagged, but still able to be seen if one clicks on the statement. Maybe I ready the post while it was processing; who knows.

We’ll make a comprehensive post about how flags and hidden posts work. In the meantime, and in a nutshell, if you see a post has been hidden, 2 things likely happened:

  1. Someone flagged it. (member, mod, admin)
  2. Someone reviewed it. (mod, admin)

The settings for flags and hidden posts are adjustable, so we can tweak it to fit our community. This feedback is important so we know what works and what doesn’t.

Happy holidays everyone! :christmas_tree:

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I don’t know what it is - maybe my Mac air is too old and not updated but I cannot - CANNOT use this site on my laptop - pages take forever to load - it’s totally unusable on that device. A bummer cause my laptop is my evening preference.


@abasket I also have a Macbook Air, 2018 with the latest IOS; I have no trouble with loading. While I know your is older and not updated, have you tried a different browser? I use Firefox, but you could also try Chrome. It is funny, I don’t use Safari at all, unless like tonight I needed both my mother’s and my ATT account opened at the same time. I do the same when I need two airline accounts, or bank accounts opened; Firefox gets cranky when I have two windows from the same bank opened!

I only use chrome !

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Any reason my post on children moving out in the Parent’s Forum has a “reuters.com” tag and a link to the impact of Brexit on UK fishermen?

I’ve notices these random tags around the new site. The “Parents of the Class of 2022” has a randolph-macon-college tag, as an example.

FWIW, I prefer threads where people can stray a little bit to those that strictly have to stay on topic. It’s more like a conversation that way. I like being able to read “flagged” posts, so I’d rather that not get changed, although if someone saw a sales pitch or similar, yeah, get rid of it.


Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I’m responding to a few posts:

We will be closing those old threads systematically over time. The import process didn’t allow us to keep the open/closed status of discussions so we’ll have to sweep through and close them.

I also use a Macbook Air (2019) and the site works well on Chrome. It might be worth a test to see if Firefox has the same issues on your computer. Sometimes I’ve seen installed Chrome extensions cause strange issues with certain sites.

We now allow users to tag their own posts, but sometimes the chosen tags don’t match the post. We should definitely not be allowing new users to create their own tags. @RichInPitt could you link the post? I’ll touch base with @CC_Jon around our strategy for allowing tags (i.e. maybe it should only be allowed for senior members).