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Any "Checklist for Parents of Graduating Seniors" thread? has the “reuters.com” tag/link.

The “Parents of the Class of 2022” is Parents of the HS Class of 2022 - #851 by vistajay

Also getting annoying is seeing topics like Personality Type! - #129 showing at the top of the High School Life list, showing activity “3h” ago, then finding a thread with the last post from May 2011.

A waste of time, and not the first.

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The reuters link is strange and shouldn’t work that way. I’ll get with @CC_Jon and figure out what’s going on.

As for the old posts that keep getting resurrected, it is from folks editing old posts on threads that should be closed. We’re working on closing them all but won’t likely happen until early Jan. If you flag any you see, we can close them manually in the meantime. I closed the thread in question. Thanks for helping us keep things clean until we can sweep through!

@CC_Mike @CC_Jon

Suggestion: If a thread has “rules”, such as no replies allowed, could that be included in the header or someplace it is always visible to new contributors who may not read from the beginning of a long thread. I’m sure @skieurope would appreciate that! :wink: I have seen gentle reminders on the Say It Here… thread several times.


Good morning. How can I unsubscribe from threads/discussions I’m no longer interested in, while still getting notifications for threads I’d like to keep following? All I see is the “unsubscribe from emails” option, but I worry that will stop all notifications. Thanks!

At the bottom of the thread there should be a box under the share/bookmark/flag/reply boxes where you can change from watching to tracking to normal to muted. If you put it back on normal, you will stop getting notifications.


Good to know, but the opacity of ‘normal’ probably means that those options needs better names.

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Hey admins- when will you bring back the app??


Can someone please advise how to put someone on ignore?

Click on their username, then click on the username again - you will be taken to the profile page. On the right should be a button that says, Normal:

Click that button and options will show up to choose “Ignored”.

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Where you’re showing a normal button, I see # of posts in topic.

When you click on the username, a little window pops up. To go to their profile page, you have to click on their username again in the little window. Make sense?

Can anyone tell me how to remove forum bookmarks? The ‘edit bookmark’ at the bottom doesn’t seem to do it.

Go to your list of book marks. You do this by hitting your avatar at the top of your screen. The little bookmark at the top of your screen will appear. Tap that. All of your bookmarks will appear…but you have to hit the bookmark then a second time once the first list has appeared.

When you do that, you will see three little dots at the side of each bookmarked thread. Tap on the three dots and one of them is “delete bookmark”. Hit that and that bookmark will be deleted.

This is on an iPad.


This evaded me for a while… I’m going to bring it up to the team to fix. When you click Edit Bookmark, there is a small trash can in the lower right:
Screen Shot 2021-06-29 at 5.41.26 PM

It is very faint, so it’s easy to miss.


I never saw that! That’s way easier than my convoluted way to delete bookmarks (which works….but).

FWIW, going back to an earlier thread, this is something Reddit does better. Click the bookmark icon to save; click again to unsave.

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That’s how it used to be here…you clicked on the bookmark to save…and clicked on it to unsave. At least that is what I think used to be!


Those of us with old eyesight would never have seen that!

Oh wow, that was easy once you pointed it out. I never would have seen that, it’s so faint. Thank you!