Welcome to the new CC Forums!

OK, well this thread has the number of new posts in turquoise, which is great. The posts in Parent Cafe do not. I am on a desktop computer

I see the tiny scroll thingy to the right on my computer but nothing on my phone. This site must be usable on phones or its days are numbered.


@mssweeteaa Are you seriously a middle school student?? What an insightful post! How come the experts that did this redesign don’t have your good judgment? What a disaster, and I agree with all of your points.


The two issues I raised (adverts and a missing college from the list) both appear to be solved this morning. I also see post numbers when scrolling. Thank you.

There doesn’t seem to be a way to rejoin a thread at the point where there are new posts. And no page numbers. So every time I want to see posts that I have not read, since logging off, I have to scroll through the whole thread? I usually keep track of multiple threads on several forum sections, and just look at new posts. Hope this can be fixed. (I understand that the CC admin wants control of the site, technologically speaking, but already miss the last version that we all complained about!)

p.s. Actually you cannot look at the thread title and see whether there are any new posts, so I can’t tell which ones to look at.

Also what are the

's and [quote]'s littering the posts?

Omg. I’ve just been scrolling through these comments and popup ads keep appearing in the middle of the screen covering the first couple of sentences of each post that I’m trying to read. Good Lord, how in the world did this make it past the testing people, unless they don’t understand basic navigation or how to keep an audience. How sad that this site is borderline unusable.

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@4kids4us, you need to press that key on your keyboard.

@austinmshauri, is this issue still occurring? If yes, can you please take a screenshot and send it to me at admin@collegeconfidential.com? Thanks a lot!

FIrst of all, to reply to your thread @CC_Sorin I have to scroll back up to your post to find a reply button - I should immediately have a reply button handy. I actually don’t like replying on an individual post - I’d prefer a continuing thread of posts.

We also should not have to click # or whatever to simply get to the end of a post or better yet, where we left off.


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The instructional video isn’t loading on the ipad

@abasket, I offered this as an intermediary solution until the team is fixing the scroll bar. There is an issue with some ads that are pushing it down the page, but it’s being worked at.

You do have a reply button for the whole thread if you go to the end. The screenshot below captures the two options. The reply button next to the post is for replying to my comment, while the one down below in the blue box is for replying to the discussion.

This is so interesting to watch. I feel like I’m living in a parallel universe from you all. This site is better in every way for me. I can find every forum I’m looking for more easily. I can see the latest posts with a swipe and a click - on the old site I had to navigate all over the place to do this.

I didn’t use bookmarks so I wonder how much that affects my experience.

This is what the old site used to do to me. The new site doesn’t do this.

Try desktop view.

There is no keyboard on an ipad/iphone. A keypad only pops up when I try to reply to a thread so no way to use that feature on an ipad, which I use 95% of the time.


Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how does one get “desktop” view? I’m on an ipad using Safari as my browser. How is that different than desktop view?

I won’t repeat the comments above and I will hold off on additional feedback on features, navigation, etc. for a few days while the admins work on the issues.

But the lag is atrocious. Waiting for 30-60 seconds for any reaction to a keystroke (executing a reply, opening the profile preferences, navigating to a few forum, etc.)… oh my gracious, I just had to wait 20 seconds for my text to type in this box!! I cannot figure out a pattern yet, but this will be a huge issue for any user.

I am on a Windows Surface. Based on user comments I am not bothering with the mobile platform yet (iOS).

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Oddly, this morning i was taken on this thread to the last post I read!

But I cannot seem to get to the place to turn off email notifications! I do NOT want these.

@stringbird Very weird! Maybe it is platform/browser specific, but holy moly for some of us it’s bad.

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@thumper1, click on your avatar —> the user icon —> Preferences —> Emails

@thumper1, to change your avatar, click on your avatar —> the user icon —> Preferences —> Account