Welcome to the new CC Forums!

This is working now. Thank you.
(The edit option was not available yesterday.)

I think I changed it…but it took a few extra clicks than your directions. On my iPad, I needed to click on my avatar two separate times to get to the change page.

Also, had to do it twice because the site crashed the first time.

Okay I’m running through the tutorial and… :clap:

It was such an amusing way of introducing new features! This should be available to all members, not just people of a certain rank. Wish you would expand it to include more of the new features, so you could make the tutorial even more of a one-stop shop.

Also, I found this new theme that in my opinion, is miles better than the default discourse theme. It works like this:

avatar–>the user icon–> preferences–>interference (at the bottom)

It’s a lot faster for me (on a Chromebook), it simplifies the font, and it’s just more simple in so many ways and less clunky. Some of the issues like the scroll thingy still persist, but in my opinion, it’s just so much easier on the eyes.

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You press on the numbers like 77/105… That gives you the correct box then you put in the page your looking for. Note : it doesn’t work correctly…

Once you press on the numbers in the lower left or says “Jump to” again put in the page number but it is hit or miss if it works.

They need to take this offline and fix these issues. We are not the beta testers. Basic functions should work. If you have a programmer that can make changes on the fly I will volunteer to help. This is pretty basic stuff here.

Hey @4kids4us , sorry, I was away eating breakfast with my daughter. In the upper right corner, tap the three horizontal lines next to your avatar (for you, the 4 in the blue circle). At the bottom of the menu that opens it will probably say Desktop View. Tap that and see if scrolling, thread navigation works better.

Will the “ignore” feature be restored?

I saw the option to “mute”, but I still see the posts of the shall remain un-named user who makes my blood pressure rise.

If someone answers this, please tag me so there is a chance I’ll actually see the reply!

@Midwest67 I think they’ve kept the mute feature! If you click on a user then click the “+ # more”, then normal, you can change it to muted or ignored.

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This site is very confusing… I really liked the previous site and its organization that made it very accessible. As a high school senior who was extremely active before, it is going to take a lot of my time to get used to and appreciate the new site.


BUG: on mobile (Firefox on Android), there is a “jump to [post number]” functionality. However, it does not actually work, similar to how the scroll bar for post numbers does not actually work (either one just jumps back to the post you were just on).


When you are using a tablet or phone or any mobile device…the keyboard pops

Whooo hoooo! Managed to change my avatar. Shouldn’t be this complicated!

Also, changing to desktop view on my phone did help. Thank you for the suggestion upthread.

Gripe of the day - I was typing and all of a sudden a sephora ad popped up and it took me to their website.

Things are loading very slowly. Worse than the old CC site which I thought was one of the bonuses of switching to discourse.

I did find the “mute” button!

I don’t recall what it said in the description, but it does not seem to serve the same function as “ignore”.

Before, I could NOT see the posts of a poster I had set on ignore. Their avatar & user name would be faded and their post would be blank (hidden from my view).

Now, even though on mute, I’m seeing the poster’s posts.

Not good for my mental health!

CC really seems intent on reinventing the wheel. Successful forum technology and formats are not hard to find, yet we keep getting these monstrosities foisted upon us. It took 2 1/2 years to come up with this?

Wish I could be more positive.


@Midwest67 Now I’m really curious to know who you are avoiding like the plague! :slight_smile:


yep…saw this as well.

@stringbird thanks for the directions but I don’t seem to have that feature on my ipad. How would I know if I’m already in desktop versus mobile view? When I click on my profile (the 4 in my case), it lands on my notifications. The only likely choice from my profile would be “settings” but there is nothing there that gives me an option for “desktop.”

This question is not necessarily for you, but to anyone who might be able to answer since I have asked several times in this thread and in the thread during the “testing” phase - how in the world does someone determine if a thread they are following has any new posts before opening it? What am I missing or is that no longer a function?

I keep getting kicked out when using the back button. But it does load me from cookies I guess. On the computer is does seem like an easy to read format but just busy and really can’t find things. My son has a discord account for this university club. It works fine. This shouldn’t be that difficult to do to make it bascially functional.

Tried using it out today. Better than the previous update but the most traffic and activity was seen when the site had the 2016 and 2015 update. Let’s go back to that.