Welcome to the new CC Forums!

@CC_Mike - so would it be possible to add a link to an index page/forum home next to the Bookmark, Flag, Reply buttons at the bottom of the thread as well? Then it would the same/similar on each version.

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That’s a great idea! I think another idea floated is to make the CC icon at the top of both mobile and desktop go to the site that you’re on instead of www. (talk. if you’re on Forums, /schools if on Schools, etc). That would put a link to the home page one click away no matter where you are.

We’ll add it to the list!

The new site should scale pretty well when you zoom with your browser. I have it up right now at 125% and it works similarly. In Chrome, Firefox, and Edge there should be a View menu that lets you increase the zoom level.


I tried to respond earlier but it was so slow I couldn’t do it. It seems to be better now…a little.

There are plenty of us who never access this site using a lap top or desk top computer. I use an IPad or my phone and never use my computer. I’m not the only one!

Any suggestions about tapping keys on your keyboard are not going to help. On mobile devices, the keyboard pops up to type text only. So I can’t hit the # key to solve any problems.

@CC_Mike if I use the delete button to delete one letter, a whole line of test disappears, not just one character.

And forget my first sentence. The slow choppy text entering is still happening.

Are we going to get a save draft button and a way to retrieve drafts?

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Sorry, I hate the new site (so far). I cannot find where I left off. It opens somewhere in the middle of a long thread and I have to scroll A LOT and totally guess where I left off on various threads. Very disappointing, Others may have already stated the same, but I don’t want to read all the prior complaints. It is far too cumbersome (so far) to jump in after returning.

The small scroll bar is also very ‘clunky’. It does not work well on a PC (Windows 10).

VERY VERY disappointed!


Thank you @CC_Mike for the instructions on replying to a post versus replying to a topic.

Now, I just have to remember!

Add that whatever you’ve done to the page, severely stresses my PC. I usually open several windows at a time, as I progress through a page of topics. The PC fan is extremely loud – usually a sign that the pages I have open are using too much memory.


@mssweeteaa @psychomomma

The Suggested Topics I see have no relation to my activity. No idea how that algorithm works. :woman_shrugging:

Here is the official description of how Suggested Topics works:

The Suggested Topics list will show any unread topics that you are watching or tracking that are less than 90 days old. If there are fewer than 5 unread topics in the list, random topics that are less than 365 days old will be appended to the list. The Suggested Topics list first tries to load topics from the same category as the topic you are currently reading. If there are less than 5 topics from the category that can be added to the list, topics from other categories will be chosen.

It seems to be linked to your unread topics, watching, and tracking, which may or may not be helpful. There are a few tweaks we can make on the admin side to make this more relevant to the category you’re reading, but this explains the randomness. We definitely want to work on some more sophisticated tech, like algorithms & machine learning, to suggest better topics in the future. (but after we fix the obvious stuff) :slight_smile:

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When I see the blue dot indicating new posts on this thread, when I click it takes me to a random post mid-thread, one I’ve read already.

I’ve also noticed the threads are not always in order. Just now, the most recent thread was one that I had read 3 hours earlier.

Fingers crossed that is fixed soon!

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Thank you @CC_Mike! You have been so helpful and kind!

Definitely concerning. I will tear the iPad away from my daughter’s hands to take a look. :wink:

The site kept freezing as I tried to read through the posts on this thread.

  1. Is there anyway we can view an archive of our previous bookmarks? Some threads (ie. UC General) are easy to bookmark. But there were other threads that I don’t remember the exact title of that I can’t find. For example, the journey of the top 1% girl who went to Uof SC (I think) and GoBears thread about his journey. The site is really slow at loading and it is painful to go through each topic and search for the threads that I had bookmarked.

  2. I like the fact that it is easier to jump between UC forums. If I click the triangle next to the title of the school it doesn’t take me to the long list of all schools but moves the UCs to the top. There is a lag in that movement so I need to wait but overall it makes my searching easier.

" Member

This badge is granted when you reach trust level 2. Thanks for participating over a period of weeks to truly join our community. You can now send invitations from your user page or individual topics, create group personal messages, and have more likes per day."

I just got this message. I have been a member for over 10 years! And I was a Senior Member in the old format.


I mentioned that earlier - the first badges and the pseudo notifications that make you think you received a message but just give you silly badges are annoying. My first priority is getting to bookmarks and messages, not badges.

I’ve flagged a couple of threads that should have been unpinned but are somehow pinned to the top again (ie. 2023 thread) and other threads that were pinned (ie. 2025 discussion threads) are now unpinned.

It is annoying to have to scroll to the bottom of a thread to bookmark it. Can we add that option at both the top and bottom?

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There are some issues, which is very understandable to me - overall, I just wanted to say thank you for working so hard on this and making some wonderful improvements. I can see how much better the notification system is and how much easier it is to sort through all this content to find what interests me. I love it, I love the look, I love the scrolling. And I love the improved search. And I don’t see any bothersome ads. Thank you for making a site that is free to me even better! :smile:


I’m starting to get the hang of it. Not so bad. I’m sure with other improvements and data migration we will be cooking with gas soon enough.

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I’m working hard to figure out the new format assuming it’s helping my brain stay young in the same way learning anything new does, but in the back of my mind I can’t help but wonder how much data this site is using - a big concern for those of us not on wifi. As others have said, the pages load slowly, as do the ads, and the fan runs continuously on my computer. Even when I leave the site other, usually quick, sites can be difficult to load as if this one is still trying to catch up. I have to disconnect the internet and get back on - then those work normally.

I’ve been here over a decade. Even if I want to try to push through a new system, I may not be able to.

I like having all the discussions visible on the main forum screen. I dislike having to return to it instead of staying in the subforum I’m in easily. I vastly dislike the scrolling vs pages. I suspect that’s what’s using the data and slowing the computer overall.


Locking or placing the title bar somewhere on the screen is definitely something we can look at. I think there is some built-in functionality to achieve that, but I’ll have to check with Jon. As for the images, Jon and Sorin have a plan to roll that out gradually with guidelines, since it’s not something the community has allowed before.

@CC_Mike. One thing would be nice is if you could make the trust level visible on a post perhaps near the avatar. It would help to know if someone is brand new and needs help or if the CC experience of the poster relative to the advice. I don’t want to have to research. Although most of the most experienced members are well known to me, it might not be obvious for others. Thx.