Well here it goes

<p>Hey guys,
I attend a public high school with about 250 in my class, and was recently ranked by Newsweek at number 538 of the Best High Schools in America.</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 94 (I don't know how to convert on the 4.0 scale)
SAT: Math-650
Critical Reading- 600
Writing- 580
I am planning on retaking the test two more times.</p>

<p>E- electives
Regents are basically regular classes that are weighted by 1.05
9th Grade
Regents Math
Regents Spanish
Regents English
Regents World History
Regents Biology
E- Science Research</p>

<p>10th Grade
Regents Math
Regents Spanish
Regents English
Regents World History II
Regents Earth Science
E- Science Research
E- WWII/Vietnam
E- Film as History</p>

<p>11th Grade
AP US History
AP Environmental Science
Spanish Honors
Regents Math
Regents English
Regents Chemistry</p>

<p>12th Grade
AP Spanish
AP Government and Economics
Honors Physics
Honors English
Honors Precalc
College Accounting</p>

Junior Varsity Football- 9th-10th
Varsity Football-10th-12th
Varsity Wrestling- 9th-12th (Will be a captain in 12th)
Spanish Club- 9th-12th
Student Civic- 9th-12th</p>

<p>Volunteer Work
Bible Study for 3rd graders- 11th-12th
Missionary Trip to Dominica Republic to build a church- 10th-12th</p>

Honor Roll- 9th-11th (most likely 12th too)
Honorary Mention in the Long Island Science Congress
1st Place in Forestry in the Long Island Envirothon</p>

<p>Colleges I'm applying to
University of Chicago (yes i know that its beyond high reach)
University of Miami (EA)
Tulane University (EA)
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Albany
SUNY Stonybrook
Northeastern University
New York University (CAS, legacy)
Colgate University (another reach)
College of William and Mary (reach)
Boston University</p>

<p>Well, not even close to half of the other 09ers on this website, but it's worth a shot
Thanks alot</p>

<p>i think you are in at because you have amazing extracurriculars
University of Miami (EA)
Tulane University (EA)
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Albany
SUNY Stonybrook
Northeastern University
New York University (CAS, legacy)
Boston University</p>

<p>you might be even in at U of Chicago, all depends on if they need someone in the class who fit your stats
chance me back?</p>

<p>University of Chicago - reach</p>

<p>University of Miami (EA) - reach (im assuming you are out of state since you’re taking regents exams…)</p>

<p>SUNY Binghamton - borderline</p>

<p>SUNY Albany - match</p>

<p>SUNY Stonybrook - match</p>

<p>Northeastern University - borderline</p>

<p>New York University (CAS, legacy) - reach</p>

<p>Colgate University - reach</p>

<p>College of William and Mary - reach</p>

<p>Boston University - reach</p>

<p>university of miami is private, and btw does being an asian from NY help?</p>

<p>well, i talked to my guidance counselor today and she recommended case western to me, so i guess i’m going to add that to my list</p>

<p>I would definitely apply to Tulane in New Orleans if that is the one you are talking about.</p>

<p>Sorry I don’t know much about the other schools…I’m new to all this but it seems that apart from your SAT scores you have amazing ECs and Volunteer work so I think you can go wherever you want on that list.</p>

<p>umiami is still a reach.</p>

<p>Also could you chance me as well? It is below this post.</p>

<p>hey fromthesouth, what’s the name of your thread? and thanks for the chances so far</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/601606-what-my-chances-good-college.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/601606-what-my-chances-good-college.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>that is my thread. thanks :)</p>

<p>alright i’ll get right to it</p>

<p>a 94 is a 3.9 on the 3.0 scale. A 4.0 is anywhere from 95-100</p>

<p>nice, thanks for the info</p>

<p>I think as a legacy at NYU, especially if you can pay full cost, they will accept you into the GSP program.</p>

<p>i’ve heard of the general study program, but can you inform me more about it?</p>

<p>Foe the first 2 years you take basic classes to strengthen your writing and give you the tools for college success. Then you go into whatever school you applied to in the first place. So instead of rejecting those with good potential but are not strong enough at application time, they offer GSP. There are a lot of legacies in the program!</p>

<p>very interesting, thanks for the tip. my mother (the legacy) has been forcing me to apply lol</p>

<p>thanks for all the chances so far</p>

<p>should get into all except UChicago. Slight reaches at W&M and Colgate</p>

<p>deferred at tulane</p>