Well, I'm switching my major and minor

<p>I was definitely decided on the physics major/math minor. Then, recently, I thought I wanted the B.S. Physics with Geophysics Specialization.</p>

<p>Well, I'm now going, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to major in math and get a physics minor (University Physics I, II, Modern Physics I, II, Thermal, and Mechanics). I'll start next semester. One of the required courses I'm not familiar with is Abstract Algebra. I don't really know a lot about Intermediate Analysis and Survey of Undergraduate Math. I'm required to take a senior-level sequence, and that will probably be Advanced Linear Algebra I and II. Next semester, I'll be taking Thermal Physics and Probability.</p>

<p>Well, Physics seems more marketable and flexible, especially geophysics for mining and oil.</p>

<p>A physics major and especially geophysics has many of the same options as a math major, such as Finance, but also has more options in terms of engineering, such as petroleum exploration, optics, etc.</p>

<p>If finding employment is important to you, Geophysics could be a better choice.</p>

<p>Well, it would require more time in school. I really need to graduate as soon as possible. I’ve been in school a long time. </p>

<p>The job I’m at now will also compensate me appropriately when I get a degree, so I’ll have a job for the foreseeable future. I’ll also have some decent contacts in industry perhaps, too. I have no specific career path in mind besides the audio-visual services company my best friend and I are starting.</p>

<p>Here are the issues:</p>

<li>You want to graduate on time</li>
<li>You have a job which compensate your study meanwhile</li>
<li>You are starting a business with your friend</li>

<p>Adding these three things up you might end up needing 30 hrs per day, which doesn’t exist.</p>

<p>How many classes do you need for the geophysics track in addition to the B.S. physics? In equivalent, how many more semesters do you need, then? You definitely don’t want to overload yourself each semester.</p>

<p>Have you thought about going to a graduate study, instead?</p>

<p>Well, the business isn’t time-consuming at all. I already bought the domain, put the website up, etc. He’s the one actually performing the work outside of his part-time job, so there’s not a whole lot I can do over here.</p>

<p>The Geophysics specialization requires intro. to geophysics and four approved geology electives. Two of those electives would account for the two required physics electives. I would also have to take a 4000-math course to satisfy the math minor. </p>

<p>The main issue is I work 20 hours during the business week. For example, next semester, I was going to take thermal physics, intro. to PDE, and intro. to solid state. I could take thermal and intro. to pde, but solid state is offered on a day where I work, so I can’t do that. The math courses I can take each semester are more plentiful and can fit in a TTh or MWF sequence I can fit around my schedule. That’s the primary issue. Still, next semester, I’m only going to take thermal and probability.</p>

<p>Graduate study instead? What do you mean?</p>